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Schedules are subject to change. Please
confirm information at websites and phone numbers listed.

(Most Museums are closed on Monday but if Monday is a holiday they are opening and closed on Tuesday instead)


  Museums Locations
A Atami MOA Museum of Art Shizuoka Prefecture (Atami)
  ARTIZON MUSEUM Tokyo (Chuo-ku)
B Bonsai Village in Omiya Saitama Prefecture (Omiya)
  Bridgestone Museum: See: ARTIZON MUSEUM Tokyo (Chuo-ku)
  Bunkamura The Museum Tokyo (Shibuya-ku)
C Chiba City Museum of Art Chiba (Chiba Prefecture)
  Calligraphy Museum (Taito Ward) Tokyo (Taito-ku)
  Calligraphy Museum, Japan (Itabashi-ku) Tokyo (Itabashi-ku)
  Camera -JCII Camera Museum Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  Chiba Prefectural Museum of Art Chiba (Chiba Prefecture)
E Edo-Tokyo Museum Tokyo (Sumida-ku)
  Eisei Bunko Tokyo (Bunkyo-ku)
F Fuchu Art Museum Tokyo (Fuchu)
G Gotoh Museum Tokyo (Setagaya-ku)
  Ghibli Museum Tokyo (Mitaka)
H Hatakeyama Memorial Museum Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Hachioji Yume Art Museum Tokyo (Hachioji)
  Hakone - HAKONE OPEN-AIR MUSEUM, THE Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  Hakone - Hakone Museum of Art Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  Hakone - Venetian Glass Museum (Hakone Garasunomori Museum) Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  Hakone - Narukawa Art Museum, Hakone Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  Hakone - OKADA MUSEUM OF ART, Hakone Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  Hakone - POLA MUSEUM OF ART, Hakone Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  Hakone - Lalique Museum, Hakone Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  Hakone - Museum of The Little Prince in Hakone (Musee Du Petit Prince De Saint Exupery A Hakone) Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
   Hara Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (Shinagawa-ku)
  Higashiyama Kaii Memorial Hall Ichikawa (Chiba Prefecture)
  Hokusai Museum, Sumida Sumida-ku (Tokyo)
I Idemitsu Museum Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  Ibaraki Museum of Modern Art Mito (Ibaraki Prefecture)
  Imperial Palace Sannomaru Shozokan Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
J JCII Camera Museum Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  Japan Calligraphy Museum Tokyo (Itabashi-ku)
   Japan Folk Crafts Museum, The Tokyo (Meguro-ku)
K Kikuchi Kanjitsu Memorial Tomo Museum Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Kodansha Noma Memorial Museum Tokyo (Bunkyo-ku)
  Koga Masao Museum of Music Tokyo (Shibuya-ku)
  Kamakura Kokuhokan Museum Kanagawa Prefecture (Kamakura)
  Kaburaki Kiyokata Memorial Art Museum Kanagawa Prefecture (Kamakura)
  Kamakura Bunkakan Kanagawa Prefecture (Kamakura)
  Kawakita Film Museum Kanagawa Prefecture (Kamakura)
  Kawasaki City Museum Kanagawa Prefecture (Kawasaki)
  Kawamura DIC Museum of Art Chiba Prefecture (Sakura)
  Kite Museum Tokyo (Nihonbashi)
  Kurita Museum Tochigi Prefecture (Ashikaga)
L Lalique Museum, Hakone Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
M Museum of Modern Art Tokyo Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  Mashiko Museum of Ceramic Art Tochigi Prefecture (Ashikaga)
  Mitsui Memorial Museum Tokyo (Chuo-ku)
  Matsuoka Museum Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Mori Art Museum Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Mori Arts Center Gallery Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  Morikazu Kumagai Museum Tokyo (Toshima-ku)
  Mukai Junkichi Atelier Tokyo (Setagaya-ku)
  Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts Tokyo (Machida)
  Museum of Modern Art, Hayama Kanagawa Prefecture (Hayama)
  Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura Kanagawa Prefecture (Kamakura)
  Museum of The Little Prince in Hakone (Musee Du Petit Prince De Saint Exupery A Hakone) Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, The Saitama Prefecture (Kita Urawa)
  Museum of Modern Art, Ibaraki, The Ibaraki Prefecture (Mito)
N National Museum of Western Art Tokyo (Taito-ku)
  National Museum of Nature and Science Tokyo (Taito-ku)
  National Art Center, Tokyo Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Nezu Museum Tokyo (Minato-ku)
   National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Kogei-kan (Crafts and Design Gallery) Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  National Archives of Japan Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  Nerima Art Museum Tokyo (Nerima-ku)
  Narukawa Art Museum, Hakone Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
  National Museum of Japanese History Chiba Prefecture (Sakura)
O Okura Shukokan Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Ota Ukiyoe Museum Tokyo (Shibuya-ku)
  OKADA MUSEUM OF ART, Hakone Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
P Panasonic Museum Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Philateric Museum Tokyo (Shibuya-ku)
  POLA MUSEUM OF ART, Hakone Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
R Ramen Museum, Shin-Yokohama Kanagawa Prefecture (Shin-Yokohama)
S Suntory Museum of Art Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  SEN-OKU HAKUKO KAN - Sumitomo Collection Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Shoto Museum Tokyo (Shibuya-ku)
  Sato Sakura Museum Tokyo (Meguro-ku)
  Saitama Museum of Modern Art,, The Saitama Prefecture (Kita Urawa)
  Seikado Museum Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  Setagaya Museum Tokyo (Setagaya-ku)
  Sompo Museum of Art Tokyo (Shinjuku-ku)
  Sato Museum of Art, The Tokyo (Shinjuku-ku)
  Sogo Museum of Art Kanagawa Prefecture (Yokohama)
  Sakura City Museum of Art Chiba Prefecture (Sakura)
  Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum Yokohama
  Sumida Hokusai Museum Sumida-ku (Tokyo)
Sannomaru Shozokan, Imperial Palace Chiyoda-ku (Tokyo)
T Tokyo National Museum Tokyo (Taito-ku)
  Takehisa Yumeji Museum Tokyo (Bunkyo-ku)
  Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Tokyo (Taito-ku)
  Tobacco and Salt Museum Tokyo (Sumida-ku)
  Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum Tokyo (Minato-ku)
  Tokyo Station Gallery Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku)
  Toguri Museum of Art Tokyo (Shibuya-ku)
  Tokyo Museum of Photography Tokyo (Meguro-ku)
  Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery Tokyo (Shinjuku-ku)
  Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Tokyo (Hachioji)
U University Art Museum, Tokyo University Of The Arts, The Tokyo (Taito-ku)
  Ueno Royal Museum Tokyo (Taito-ku)
V Venetian Glass Museum (Hakone Garasunomori Museum) Kanagawa Prefecture (Hakone)
W WATARI-UM Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (Shibuya-ku)
Y Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art Kofu City (Yamanashi Prefecture)
  Yamatane Museum Tokyo (Shibuya-ku)
  Yayoi Museum/ Takehisa Yumeji Museum Tokyo (Bunkyo-ku)
  Yokohama Museum Kanagawa Prefecture (Yokohama)
  Yokohama Sogo Museum of Art Kanagawa Prefecture (Yokohama)


(Many Museums are closed on Monday, but if Monday is a holiday they are opening and closed on Tuesday instead)

(Please confirm information before you go at URL and the phone numbers listed)

Taito-ku (Ueno Park) Tokyo National Museum Imperial Palanquin (horen) at the Imperial Rounge, Honkan

April 2 (2024)-March 31 (2025)
     Thematic Exhibition: Snow - Traditional Motif in Japanese Art at Room 14 Jan. 2-Feb. 16
     Thematic Exhibition: Normadic Lives and Textiles, The Baloch People at Room 13, Asian Gallery Nov. 12-Feb. 16
    Thematic Exhibition: Fragments of the Xiping Classics at Toyokan Room 8 Jan. 2-March 16
    Special Exhibition: Commemorating the 1150th Founding Anniversary of Daikakuji Treasures of Daikakuji: From Imperial Villa to Buddhist Temple at Japanese Archaeology and Special Exhibition (Heiseikan) Jan. 21-March 16
    Special Exhibition: The Beginning of a State under the Ritsuryo System at Honkan Japanese Archaeology Gallery Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)
    Special Exhibition: Political Maturation and the Creation of Symbols of Authority at Heiseikan Japanese Archaeology Gallery Nov. 6-May 6 (2025)
             Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum JOAN MIRO Exhibition March 1-July 6
    National Museum of Western Art Special Exhibition: Monet: The Late Waterscapes Oct. 5-Feb. 11
     Permanent Exhibition: Museum Collections  
   University Museum Tokyo University Fine Art and Music (Geidai) Shokoku-ji Jotenkaku Museum 40th Anniversary Exhibition Legacy of Zen Temples: Shokoku-ji, Kinkaku-ji and Ginkaku-ji, Kyoto March 29-May 25
   Ueno Royal Museum Closed for refurbishing Closed
                                          National Museum of Nature and Science  Special Exhibition: BIRD, Nov. 2-Feb. 24

Permanent Exhibition

Japan Gallery:
3F-South Nature of the Japanese Islands/ 3F-North History of the Japanese Islands/ 2F-South Organisms of the Japanese Islands/ 2F-North Japanese People and Nature/1F-South Techniques in Observing Nature

Permanent Exhibition:
Global Gallery
3F Animal of the Earth/ 2F Progress in Science and Technology/ 2F Biodiversity - We are All Part of the Same Exosystem/ B1F Evolution of Life - Solving the Mysteries of the Dinosaurs (closed)
/ B2F Evolution of Life - From the Earth's Origin through Human Existence/ B3F The Natural World
See the listings
            Theater 360: The Last Dinosaurs -Tale of Fossils- February
Taito-ku (Negishi) Calligraphy Museum Rubbed Copies of 王羲之 and others Jan. 4-March 16
Sumida-ku Edo-Tokyo Museum Closed for Renovation Closed
      Tobacco and Salt Museum Creating Daily Life! A Decade in Review by Corporate Museums Jan. 18-March 23
   Sumida Hokusai Museum Scenery on Both Banks of the Sumida River and Sketches by Hokusai Sept. 10-March 30
    Special Exhibition: Let's Decode Calendars by Hokusai and Others! Dec. 18-March 2
  The Japan Sword Museum The 70th Newly Designated Important Swords and Fittings Exhibition Jan. 11-Feb. 24
Koto-ku Museum of Modern Art Tokyo MOT Annual 2024 on the imagined terrain Dec. 14-March 30
(formerly Bridgestone Museum)
Jam Session: The Ishibashi Foundation Collection x MOHRI Yuko - On Physis Nov. 2-Feb. 9
    Looking Human: The Figure Painting Nov. 2-Feb. 9
    Selection from the Ishibashi Foundation Collection - Matisse's Studio Nov. 2-Feb. 9
    Mitsui Memorial Museum Special Exhibition: ENKU's Buddhist Sculptures at Senkoji and in the HidaRegion Feb. 1-March 30
  Kite Museum Regular Exhibition Opening
Minato-ku National Art Center, Tokyo Special Exhibition: LIVING Modernity: Experiments in the Exceptional and Everyday 1920s-1970s March 19-June 30
               Matsuoka Museum Ancient Egyptian Art Feb. 27, 2024-Feb. 9, 2025
    Suntory Museum of Art Emile Galle Longing for Paris Feb.15-April 13
  Nezu Museum Shared Beauty - Detached Segments of Ancient Japanese Calligraphy Dec. 21-Feb. 9
  Okura Shukokan The Appearance and Spirit of Samurai Jan. 28-March 23
  Mori Art Museum (53rd floor of Roppongi Hills) MACHINE LOVE: Video Game, AI and Art Feb. 13-June 8
  Mori Arts Center Gallery (52nd floor of Roppongi Hills) Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient EGYPT from Brooklyn Museum Jan. 25-April 6
    Sen-Oku Hakuko Kan (Sumitomo Collection) Flower Containers Jan. 25-March 16
  Hatakeyama Memorial Museum The Museum is closed for four years from March 18, 2019 for refurbishing Closed
   Panasonic Museum Le Corbusier Synthesis of the Arts 1930-1965 Jan. 11-March 23
   Kikuchi Kanjitsu Memorial Tomo Museum Kikuchi Collection Jan. 8-May 6 (2025)
    Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum Wonderment Noe Aoki/ Ritsue Mishima Exhibition Nov. 30-Feb. 16
Chiyoda-ku Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum The museum is closed for renovation until autumn 2024 Closed
   Tokyo Station Gallery Akiko Miyawaki Retrospective: I saw, I cut, I applied Jan. 25-March 16
   Idemitsu Museum The Museum is closed during the reconstruction of the Teigeki Building from Dec. 25, 2024 Closed
  Seikado Museum KABUKI PRINTS - First Exhibition of Treasured Ukiyo-e Prints: 190 Years since the Birth of Toyohara Kunichika Jan. 25-March 23
   JCII Camera Museum Regular Exhibition Opening
    National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo MOMAT Collection Exhibition Feb. 11-June 15
            National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Kogei-kan (Crafts and Design Gallery) Moved to Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture Closed
  National Archives of Japan Permanent Exhibition: History of Japan Permanent Exhibition
   Imperial Palace Sannomaru Shozokan Inviting Fortune - Auspicious Symbols in Japanese Art Jan. 4-March 2
Bunkyo-ku Eisei Bunko Japanese Ceramics The Hosokawa Family Collection plus Kanjiro Kawai and Tea Ceremony Utensils Jan. 11-April 13
  Kodansha Noma Memorial Museum Closed for Renovation from July 16, 2019 Closed
  Yayoi Museum Yasuko Aoike 60 Years of Dazzling Manga Artistry Feb. 1-June 1
  Takehisa Yumeji Museum Takehisa Yumeji Love and Thoughts - messages in his works - Feb. 1-June 1
Shinagawa-ku Hara Museum of Contemporary Art Museum is closed permanently from Jan. 12, 2021 Closed
Itabashi-ku Japan Calligraphy Museum Special Exhibition: Power of Expression beyond Genre Jan. 19-March 2
Toshima-ku Morikazu Kumagai Museum Regular Exhibition Opening
   Philatelic Museum Stamps of Maps Jan. 8-March 30
Shibuya-ku Yamatane Museum of Art Special Exhibition: The Japanese Art of Happiness Dec. 14-Feb. 24
     Bunkamura The Museum No exhibition is currently planned Closed
  Ota Ukiyoe Museum Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Exhibition "Moon" April 3-May 26
   Toguri Museum of Art Imari of Innovation Time Jan. 15-March 30
   Shoto Museum   Shoto Museum Public Subscription Exhibition Feb. 23-March 16
  Koga Masao Museum of Music Regular Exhibition Opening
   WATARI-UM Museum of Contemporary Art Modern Artist Amemiya Kosuke Exhibition Dec. 21-March
Meguro-ku Tokyo Museum of Photography Docs: Images and Records. TOP 30th Anniversary: Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2025 at 3,2, B1F, 1F hall Jan. 31-Feb. 16
                  The Japan Folk Crafts Museum Buddhist Aesthetics what Yanagi witnessed Jan. 12-March 20
   Sato Sakura The World of Koichi Nabatame Dec. 7-Feb. 24
Setagaya-ku Seikado Museum The museum moved to Daiichi Insurance Hall, Chiyoda-ku in 2022 Closed
  Gotoh Museum Tea Ceremony Utensils from the museum collection Dec. 10-Feb. 16
   Setagaya Art Museum Selections from the Setagaya Art Museum Green Planet: Plants in the Museum Forest Feb. 27-April 13
   Mukai Junkichi Atelier Regular Exhibition Opened from June 2
Shinjuku-ku Sompo Museum of Art The Way of Pintings 2025 FACE Award Winners Jan. 18-Feb. 11
  The Satoh Museum of Art Mt. Fuji Drawn by Nihonga Painters Jan. 7-Feb. 16
  Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery Kei Imazu Exhibition: Tanah Air Jan. 11-March 23
Nerima-ku Nerima Art Museum 56th Nerima City Citizens Art Exhibition Feb. 13-Feb. 18 & Feb. 23-Feb. 28
Mitaka Ghibli Museum Special Exhibition: "The Boy and the Heron" Part 3 Background Art from Nov. 23, 2024
Film: Mei and the Baby Cat Bus Feb. 1-Feb. 28
See the Listings
Hachioji City   Hachioji Yume Art Museum Yume Art Museum Best Selection Exhibition Feb. 8-March 23
  Tokyo Fuji Art Museum MAN RAY Exhibition Celebrating his 135th Anniversary of His Birth Jan. 11-March 23
Fuchu Fuchu Art Museum Mana Konishi Exhibition; Wherever Dec. 14-Feb. 24
Machida City  Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts  Machida City Public School Elementary and Junior High School Art Exhibition Jan. 10-Feb. 16
Kanagawa Prefecture Yokohama Museum Closed for Renovation Closed
      Sogo Museum of Art  Osamu Tezuka Black Jack Exhibition Jan. 16-Feb. 25
   Museum of Modern Art, Hayama Closed for Renovation till March Closed
  Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura Annex Iwatake Rie plus Kataoka Junya and the Museum Collection Feb. 1-April 13
   Kamakura Kokuhokan Museum Regular Exhibition  
  Kamakura Bunkakan UKIYOE Journey Jan. 7-March 9
  Kawakita Film Museum The Art of Film Subtitle Translation - Infusing Magic into 4 Characters per Second Jan. 19-March 30
    Kaburaki Kiyokata Memorial Art Museum in Kamakura Attractive Heroines Kiyokata Loved Jan. 18-Feb. 24
  Ramen Museum, Shin Yokohama    
    Kawasaki City Museum On Line Exhibition On Line Exhibition
         Hakone Open-Air Museum Sculptures /Thndersen Exhibitione Picasso Collection/Henry Moore Collection Permanent Exhibition
   Hakone Ashinoko Narukawa Art Museum The World of Kyujin Yamamoto: 1. When Spirit Flowers Bloom 2. Beyond Form: Sea and Mountain Landscapes/ Tamotsu Yoshida Exhibiion: Banko Fueki (Eternally Unchanging)/ ASliding-Door Painting for Tenpyozan Zendo, San Francisco (USA)/ Masterworks in Our Collection - The Sparkling World of Nihonga Nov. 14-March 12
    Permanent Exhibition - The Hidden Treasures of China Permanent Exhibition
  Hakone Okada Museum of Art Gems of Japanese Modern Paintings by Gyoshu, Isson and other great artistsArtAn Artists - Wild, Lively and Profound. Dec. 15-June 1
  Hakone Museum of Art Temporarily Closed Closed
  Hakone Pola Museum of Art The Secrets of Colors from Impressionism to Contemporary Art Dec. 14-May 18
   Hakone VENETIAN GLASS MUSEUM (Hakone Garasunomori Museum) 100 pieces of Venetian Glassware which enchanted the royalties of the middle ages Permanent Exhibition
  Hakone MUSEE DU PETIT PRINCE DE SAINT-EXUPERY Photographies, letters, items of his regular uses and other memorabilia Permanent Exhibition
  Hakone LALIQUE MUSEUM Collection f more than 1,500 of Lalique pieesincluding 200 precious jewelry. Permanent Exhibition
Shizuoka Prefecture   Atami MOA Museum of Art   The Best of Museum Collection 2025 Jan. 24-March 11
Chiba Prefecture Kawamura DIC Museum of Art Special Exhibition/ Collection Display - Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art 1990-2025: Art, Architectures, Nature Feb. 8-March 31
     National Museum of Japanese History Permanent Exhibitons: Prehistoric and Ancient Times at Gallery 1 Permanent Exhibition
      Sakura City Museum of Art Hotsuma Katori 150 Years of His Birth Memorial Exhibition Jan. 31-March 23
     Chiba City Museum of Art Chiba Citizens Art Exhibition Feb. 22-March 14
   Chiba Prefectural Museum of Art 100 Selected Works from the Museum Collection Exhibition Jan. 28-March 30
   Higashiyama Kaii Memorial Hall in Ichikawa Permanent Exhibition until May 30 Permanent Exhibition
Saitama Prefecture The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama Eyes on Mexico Feb. 1-May 11
    Collection MOMAS Nov. 30-March 2
     Omiya Bonsai Art Museum Closed for Renovation from Nov. 5-March 20 Closed
Tochigi Prefecture Kurita Museum Imari Regular Exhibition Regular Exhibition
   Mashiko Museum of Ceramic Art Shugo Takauchi Exhibition/ Thematic Exhibition: Kenji Gomi Jan. 26-April 6
Ibaraki Prefecture The Museum of Modern Art, Ibaraki Keith Haring Exhibition Feb. 1-April 6
Yamanashi Prefecture Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art Permanent Exhibition- Millet and Other Artists from the Museum Collections   

(Ueno Park, Taito-ku)


Museum is the largest in Japan and collects, houses, and displays a comprehensive collection of art works and antiquities from Japan as well as other Asian countries. It houses about 88,000 items and besides the regular exhibition, the museum holds special exhibitions several times a year. The visitors exceeds one million a year.


Address: 13-9 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku
Access: Ueno Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Subway Ginza Line/ Subway Hibiya Line
Admission: 620 yen (Permanent Exhibition)
Time: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon- if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 23, 2024-Jan. 1, 2025 closed)
Telephone: 03-3822-1111

Special Exhibition: Commemorating the 1150th Founding Anniversary of Daikakuji Treasures of Daikakuji: From Imperial Villa to Buddhist Temple at Japanese Archaeology and Special Exhibition (Heiseikan), Jan. 21-March 16

Thematic Exhibition: Snow - Traditional Motif in Japanese Art at Room 14, Jan. 2-Feb. 16

Thematic Exhibition: Normadic Lives and Textiles, The Baloch People
at Room 13, Asian Gallery, Nov. 12-Feb. 16

Thematic Exhibition: Fragments of the Xiping Classics at Toyokan Room 8

The Door to Japanese Art at Room T3, Oct. 7-March 31


2nd Floor"Highlights of Japanese Art"
Ancient Art Ca. 11,000 BC-7th century AD at Room 1, Jan. 2-June 29/ The Arrival of Buddhism 6th-8th century at Room 1, Jan. 2-March 9/ Ten Styles of Japanese Poems at Room , Jan. 15-Feb.16/ Arts of Buddhism 8th-16th Century at Room 3, Jan. 2-Feb. 16/ The Arts of the Imperial Court 8th-16th century at Room 3, Jan. 2-Feb. 16/ Zen and Ink Painting 13th-16th Century at Room 3, Jan. 2-Feb. 16/ Tea Ceremony at Room 4, Jan. 2-March 9/ Arms and Armor of the Samurai 12th-19th century at Rooms 5&6, Jan. 2-March 2/ Paintings on Folding Screens and Sliding Doors 16th-19th century at Room 7, Jan. 2-Feb. 16/Auspicious Motifs in Noh Designs at Room 9, Jan. 2-Feb. 24/ The Art of Fashion17th-19th century at Room 10, Jan. 2-Feb. 24/ The Art of Ukiyo-e 17th-19th Century at Room 10, Feb. 4-March 9/ Lacquerware at Room 12, Jan. 2-March 16/ Swords at Room 13, Jan. 2-March 16/ Historical Records at Room 15, Jan. 2-Feb. 24/ Ainu and Northern Peoples at Room 16, Jan. 2-March 16/ Modern Japanese Arts of Meiji, Taisho and Early Showa at Room 18, Feb 4-April 20/ Education Space - Education Space is for educational displays/activities. include " Let's Explore National Treasures at TNM," an enhanced version of the "e-Museum" website; and "Let's Rotate Artworks at TNM," a hands-on space where you can rotate 3D images of artworks as you Room 19, Feb. 4-March 30

2nd Floor
Imperial Palanquins (horen)
at the Imperial Rounge, Honkan, April 2 (2024)-March 31 (2025)

Netsuke: Prince Takamado Collection
at The Prince Takamado Collection Room, Dec. 3-Feb. 24

1st Floor Genre Exhibits
at Room 12, Jan. 2-March 16/ Metalwork at Room 13, Jan. 2-March 23/ Swords at Room 13, Jan. 2-March 16/Ceramics at Room 13, Jan. 2-March 9/ Thematic Exhibition: Snow - Traditional Motif in Japanese Art at Room 14, Jan. 2-Feb. 16/ Historical Records at Room 15, Jan. 2-Feb. 24/ Ainu and Northern Peoples at Room Room 16, Jan. 2-March 16/ The Door to Japanese Art at Room T3, Oct. 8-March 31/ Conservation and Restoration at Room 17, April 2 (2024)-May 26 (2025)/ Art of the Modern Era Late 19th-first half of the 20th century at Room 18, Oct. 29-Feb. 2/ Education Space at Room 19, April 2 (2024)-March 31 (2025)

Rooms and Floors: Room 1-10 (2nd Floor), Room 11-19 (1st Floor) and Room T1,T2 (2nd Floor), Room T4,T5 (1st Floor)

The Heiseikan, built to commemorate the crown prince's wedding in 1993, serves primarily as the space for special exhibitions. For this purpose there are four special exhibition galleries on the second floor, as well as the Japanese Archaeology Gallery.

Special Exhibition: Commemorating the 1150th Founding Anniversary of Daikakuji Treasures of Daikakuji: From Imperial Villa to Buddhist Temple at Japanese Archaeology and Special Exhibition (Heiseikan), Jan. 21-March 16

Special Exhibition: The Beginning of a State under the Ritsuryo System
at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)

Special Exhibition: Unearthed Clay Statues at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)

Sp:ecial Exhibition: Political Maturation and the Creation of Symbols of Authority at Heiseikan Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 6-May 6

Important Cultural Property: Tomb Sculpture (Haniwa) Dressed Up Woman at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 12-April 20

Development of Figureral Haniwa Tomb Figurines at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 12-April 20

Tomb Sculptures (Haniwa) and Funerary Rites at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 12-April 20

1st Floor: Japanese Archaeology (Chronological Exhibition)
The Beginning of Tool Making in the Paleolithic Era
at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/Permanent Settlements and the Creation of Pottery at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/ Interaction with the Asian Continent and the Pottery of an Agricultural Society at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/ Political Maturation and the Creation of Symbols of Authority at Japanese Aarchaeology Gallery, Nov. 6-May 6 (2025)/ The Yamato Kingom and the Production of Symbols of Authority at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 6-May 6 (2025)/ Large Burial Mounds and the Increase in Metal Production at Japanese Aarchaeology Gallery, Nov. 6-May 6 (2025)/ The Rise of Provincial Clans and the Development of a Unique Culture at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 6-May 6 (2025)/ Late Burial Mounds and Influence from the Asian Continent at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 6-May 6 (2025)Special Exhibition: The Beginning of a State under the Ritsuryo System at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/ Mountain Worship and the Belief in the Decline of Buddhism at Japanese Archaeological Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/ Life and Death in the Kamakura Period at Japanese Archaeological Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2024)/ Objects Excavated from Edo, at Japanese Archaeological Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)

1st Floor: Japanese Archaeology (Thematic Exhibitions)
Important Cultural Property Tomb Sculpture (Haniwa): Dressed-Up Woman
at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 12-April 20 (2025)
Dogu: Objects of Prayer in the Jomon Period
at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/ Objects of Prayer and Accessories in the Jomon Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/ Daily Tools of the Jomon Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/ Daily Tools of the Yayoi Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)Accessories and Tools of the Yayoi Period Used in Rituals at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/ Bronze Ritual Implements of the Yayoi Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/ The Post-Jomon Culture in Hokkaido at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 3-March 2 (2025)/ The Development of Sue Pottery at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ Ancient Chinese Mirrors from Japanese Kofun Burial Mounds at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ Miniature Stone Models Unearthed from Burial Mounds at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ Before the the time of Suo Provincial Government Office Hofu City during the Kofun Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ Copying from Chinese Mirros with TLV Patterns, Jan. 2-July 6/ Development of the Production of Beads andJa at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ Umanomiya Tumulus No. 4 A Case of key-hole Shaped Tombs Regional Development at 1st Floor Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/Spiritual Power of Comma-Shaped Beads in Unique Forms at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/Silver Inlay Decoration for Ancient Swords at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ The Niizawa Senzuka Tombs and Exchange with the Ancient Asian Continent at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ Ancient Swords with Inscriptions and the Society of the Kofun-Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ The Eta Funayama Burial Mound and the Advanced Culture of Provincial Clans at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Jan. 2-July 6/ Development of Figural Haniwa Tomb Figures Nov. 12-April 20/ at Japanese Archaeology Gallery,Tomb Sculptures (Haniwa) and Funerary Rites at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Nov. 12-April 20/Ancient Coins at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/ Ancient Japanese Tomb Epitaphs at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025) Unearthed Clay Statues at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/ Mountain Worshipping and the Belief in the Decline of Buddhism, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/ Life and Death in Kamakura Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery,Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/ Ancient Japanese Tomb Epitaphs at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/Unearthed Clay Statues at Japanese Archaeology Gallery,Sept. 18-March 9 (2025/ Sacred Objects from Ancient Temples at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)
Sutra Mounds: Time Capsules for 5,670,000,000 Years
at 1st floor Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/Ancient Buddhist Site Komachizuka Sutra Mound at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/ Buddhist Sculptures Buried in Sutra Mounds at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/Excavated Gold Coins of the Edo Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)/ Reconstruction of Todaiji Temple in the Edo Period at Japanese Archaeology Gallery, Sept. 18-March 9 (2025)


1st floor

Chinese Buddhist Sculpture at Room 1, April 23 (2024)-April 20 (2025)

2nd floor
Oasis 2 Education Space: Journey Information, 2nd floor Room 2, April 2-March 31 (2025)

Sculptures from India and Gandhara
at Room 3, July 2-Dec. 22
Egypt and Western Asia at Room 3, Dec. 3-March 2
Art of the Western Regions at Room 3, Nov. 8-Dec. 22

3rd floor
The Advent of Chinese Civilization
at Room 4, Nov. 19-June 15/ Chinese Bronzes at Room 5, Oct. 1-Feb. 2/ Burials in China at Room 5, Oct. 1-Dec. 22/ Chinese Ceramics at Room 5, Jan. 2-April 20/ Chinese Textiles Clothing of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1944 at Room 5, Oct. 1-Dec. 22
Oasis6 Education Space: Fortune-telling in Asia at Room 6, April 2-March 31 (2025)

4th floor
Stone Relief Carvings of China at Room 7, April 16-April 20 (2025)

Thematic Exhibition: Fragments of the Xiping Classics
at Room 8, Jan. 2-March 16

5th floor
Chinese Lacquerware at Room 9, Jan. 2-March 23/ Decorative Art of the Qing Dynasty at Room 9, Jan. 2-March 23/ Polished Stone Tools and Metal Tools of Korea at Room 10, Nov. 12-May 18/ Korean Ceramics at Room 10, Nov. 26-May 25/ The Rise and Fall of Kings in Korea at Room 10, Nov. 12-May 18/ Buddhist Art of Korea at Room 10, Oct. 16-April 13/ Art of the Joseon Dynasty at Room 10, Jan. 21-May 18

Khmer Sculpture at Room 11, April 9-April 13 (2025)/ Gilt Bronze Statues from Southeast Asia at Room 12, Oct. 16-Feb. 16 (2025)/ Archaeology of India and Southeast Asia at Room 12, April 9-Feb. 16 (2025)/ Southeast Asian Ceramics at Room 12, Dec. 3-May 25/ Thematic Exhibition: Normadic Lives and Textiles, The Baloch People at Room 13, Nov. 12-Feb. 16/ Indian Miniature Paintings at Room 13, Feb. 4-March 2

The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures

1st Floor: Kanjo-ban (Banner for the Kanjo Ceremoney), Gilt Bronze Buddhist Statues, Halos, Repousse Images, Gigaku Masks
Kanjo-ban (Banner for Kanjo ceremony) at Room 1, April 23 (2024)-April 20 (2025)/ Gilt Bronze Buddhist Stautes, Halos and Repousse Buddshist Images at Room 2, April 25-April 21 (2024)/ Gagaku Masks at Room 3, April 23 (2024)-April 20 (2025)

2nd Floor: Metalwork at Room 5, April 23 (2024)-April 20 (2025)

Calligraphy and Textiles at Room 6,The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, Jan. 28-Feb. 24

Kuroda Memorial Hall

The Kuroda Memorial Hall was built in 1928 through a beuest from Western-style painter Kuroda Seiki (1866-1924). The building first openedthe home of the The Instutute of Arts Research for the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts in 1939. In recognition of Kuroda's artistic achievements, exhibits of Oil paintings, sketches and similar works donated by the artist's family and others are on display.

Kuroda Memorial Room: Oct. 1-Dec. 22

Collection Highlights Gallery, Jan. 2, 2025-Jan. 13, 2025

Built in honor of the wedding of the Taisho crown prince, the name of this building means "to express congratulations." It has been designated an Important Cultural Property as a representative example of Western style architecture of the late Meiji operiod (early 20th century).

Exhibition: Hello Kitty Exhibition - change, so does she. Nov. 1-Feb. 24.

Main Hall (Honkan)


Asian Gallery

Horyuji Gallery


Kuroda Memorial Hall

Museum Garden (autumn)

Museum Garden (autumn)

Museum Garden (autumn)

Museum (Gingko Tree)

Museum (spring)

Museum (spring)

Museum (spring)

Museum (spring)


The Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum is a historic museum founded in 926 inside Ueno Park as the first public museum in Japan. The museum holds nearly 280 exhibitions every year including exhibitions from globally recognized museums and special exhibitions of treasured worlks as well as temporary exhibitions and public exhibitions.

JOAN MIRO Exhibition, March 1-July 6, Admission: 2,000 yen

Address: 8-36 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku
Access: Ueno Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Subway Ginza Line/ Subway Hibiya Line
Time: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon. - If Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 21, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-3823-6921


The Museum was established in 1959 based on the Matsukata Collection focusing on the Impressionist paintings and Auguste Rodin's sculptures previously stored by the French government. The museum's purpose is to provide the public with opportunities to appreciate western art.

Permanent Exhibition:
Western paintings from the late medieval period through the early 20th century and French modern sculpture.Admission: 500 yen.

Special Exhibition: Monet: The Late Waterscapes, Oct. 5-Feb. 11/ Exhibition: Examining Prints-Lithography: Images Emerge from Stone, June 11-Sept. 1
Address: 7-7 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku
Access: Ueno Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Subway Ginza Line/ Subway Hibiya Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600


The university which opened in 1887 has a large collection of art and music materials.
In 1999, The University of Art Museum was opened in response to the aging of the facilities and the needs of the storage and exhibition space commensurate with the scale of the collection. Today, this collection is one of Japan's largest with about 28,500 pieces, distinguished by Japanese modern arts, including works of former teachers and students.

Shokoku-ji Jotenkaku Museum 40th Anniversary Exhibition Legacy of Zen Temples: Shokoku-ji, Kinkaku-ji and Ginkaku-ji, Kyoto, March 29-May 25, Admission: 2000 yen

https:/ 12-8 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku
Access: Ueno Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Subway Ginza Line/ Subway Hibiya Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Museum is open only during the exhibition days)(Dec. 22, 2023-Jan. 5, 2024 closed)
03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)

THE UENO ROYAL MUSEUM (Ueno-no-Mori Bijutsukan)

The Museum, formerly the Japan Art Association Museum, was opened in 1972. Today, the association is headed by Prince Hitachinomiya. The Japan Art Association was founded in 1879 as the first Japanese art association. Since its inaugulation, the museum has held countless in.ternational and planned exhibitions.

Tsuneo Hotta Solo Exhibition at Gallery, Sept. 22-Sept. 29
Address: 1-2 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku
Access: Ueno Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Subway Ginza Line/ Subway Hibiya Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Closed Dec. 31, 2023 and Jan. 1, 2024)
Telephone: 03-3833-4191


Special Exhibition: BIRD, Nov. 2-Feb. 24

Permanent Exhibitions:
Japan Gallery
3F-South Nature of the Japanese Islands/ 3F-North History of the Japanese Islands/ 2F-South Organisms of the Japanese Islands/ 2F-North Japanese People and Nature/1F-South Techniques in Observing Nature

Global Gallery
3F Animal of the Earth/ 2F Progress in Science and Technology/ 2F Biodiversity - We are All Part of the Same Exosystem/ B1F Evolution of Life - Solving the Mysteries of the Dinosaurs (closed)
/ B2F Evolution of Life - From the Earth's Origin through Human Existence/ B3F The Natural World

Theater 360: The Last Dinosaurs -Tale of Fossils-
Address: 7-20 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku
Access: Ueno Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Subway Ginza Line/ Subway Hibiya Line
Time: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Admission: 620 yen
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)
/ 03-3822-0111 (museum)


Rubbed Copies of 王羲之 and others)
Jan. 4-March 16

The Calligraphy Museum holds important collections for the Chinese and Japanese calligraphy histories, which were collected by a Western-style painter and oriental calligrapher Fusetsu Nakamura (1866-1943) for more than 40 years, almost half his life. Since the foundation in 1936, the museum had been maintained by the Nakamura family for 60 years, but it was donated to Taito City in 1995 and reopened as Taito City Calligraphy Museum in 2000. The museum houses approximately 16,000 pieces of Chinese and Japanese fine arts. (quoted from the home page of the museum).

URL; Calligraphy Museum
Open: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (closed on Mon. if Mon. is a holiday on Tue.)(Dec. 18, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Admission: 500 yen
Address: 10-4, Negishi 2-chome, Taito-ku
Access: Uguisudani Station on JR Yamanote Line
Telephone: 03-3872-2645



The museum opened in 1993 as a place where visitors come to learn more about Tokyo's history and culture. In the Permanent Exhibition area are many vivid replicated exhibits of large-scale models of houses, architectures, cultural heritage, kabuki scenes, people's daily life and many others featuring Edo period (1603-1868) to the recent past.

Closed for renovations until 2025
Address: 1-4-1 Yokoami, Sumida-ku
Access: Ryogoku Station on JR Sobu Line
Admission: 600 yen
Time: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Museum is closed Dec. 20, 2021-Jan. 1)
Telephone: 03-3626-9974


Creating Daily Life! A Decade in Review by Corporate Museums. Jan. 18-March 23

The Tobacco and Salt Museum is dedicated to the history and cultures surrounding tobbaco and salt. The museum collects resources, conducts and culture pertaining to tobacco and salt. It also extends beyond these core topics to cover a wide scope of themes in the special exhibition.

Tobacco & Salt Museum
Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Address: Yokokawa 1-16-3, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Access: 10 minutes walk from Sky Tree Station on Tobu Sky Tree Line
Telephone: 03-3622-8801


Scenery on Both Banks of the Sumida River and Sketches by Hokusai, Sept. 10-March 30
Special Exhibition: Let's Decode Calendars by Hokusai and Others!, Dec. 18-March 2

Permanent Exhibition consists of seven areas including Sumida and Hokusai., Study Paintings Nikuhitsu-e (hand-painted art works), collections of various audio visual materials etc.

Katsushika Hokusai was born in Sumida and spent most of his life in Sumida City. Besides providing an introduction to the art of Hokusai and his disciples, the museum features exhibitions on a variety of themes and educational activities designed to provide an easy-to-understand introduction to Hokusai and the Sumida in which he lived. This is a constantly expanding museum dedicated to telling the community and the world about Hokusai and his art, as well as a center for promoting culture and community activities. (from the museum home page)

Access: Ryogoku Station on JR Chuo-Sobu Line/ Ryogoku Station on Toei Subway
Address: 2-7-2 Kamezawa, Sumida-ku
Admission: 400 yen (Special Exhibition 900 yen)
Open: 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (closed on Mon. if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-6658-8936


The museum is dedicated to the art of Japanese swordmaking. The museum preserves 152 items including swords including ones designated as National Treasures made by Nobuyoshi Kuniyuki (Rai) and Kuniyuki (Taima), sword fittings, armor, and documents of metal working. In usual exhibitions such as the "Koto (old sword) and Shinto (new sword)" are exhibited and the works of famous swordsmiths from from the Heian to Edo Periods are on display. The Archives Room houses about 1,500 historical documents and archives on swords.

The 70th Newly Designated Important Swords and Fittings Exhibition, Jan. 11-Feb. 24

Address: 1-12-9, Yokoami, Sumida-ku (Near Sumo Stadium in Ryogoku)
Access: 7 minutes walk from West Exit of Ryogoku Station on JR Sobu Line
Time: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 5, 2024 closed)
Admission: 1,000 yen
Telephone: 03-6284-1000



The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, was opened in 1995 to systematically research, collect, preserve and display contemporary art that has been created both in Japan and overseas since 1945,

MOT Annual 2024 on the imagined terrain, NDec. 14-March 30
Address: 4-1-1 Miyoshi, Koto-ku
Access: Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Station on Subway Hanzomon Line
Time: 10:00-18:00 (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5245-4111



The original museum Bridgestone Museum was founded in 1952 when Ishibashi Shojiro, founder of the Bidgestone Corporation, opened an art museum in order to exhibit his private collection. The museum devotes itself to the collection and the exhibition of works from Impressionism and other modern art to 20th cenruty art, as well as Japanese Western-style paintings from the Meiji and following eras. Bridgestone Museum closed for renovations from May 18, 2015 is now opened as ARITIZON MUSEUM at the same place in Kyobashi, Chuo-ku.

Jam Session: The Ishibashi Foundation Collection x MOHRI Yuko - On Physis, Nov. 2-Feb. 9/ Looking Human: The Figure Painting, Nov. 2-Feb. 9/ Selection from the Ishibashi Foundation Collection - Matisse's Studio, Nov. 2-Feb. 9
Address: 1-19-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku
Access: Kyobashi Station on Subway Ginza Line/ Tokyo Station on JR Lines
Admission: 1,500 yen (Reservation necessary)
Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan 1, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600


The Museum opened in Oct. 2005 in Nihonbashi, a site closely related to the Mutsui Group. The collections from the Mitsui Bunko Museum in Nakano, with many treasures of Japanese and Asian art, moved to the new museum. Members of the Mitsui families have assembled the art works in the collection over the past three centuries. Their preservasion as a collection made these art works a preeminent element of Japanese cultural heritage.

Special Exhibition: ENKU's Buddhist Sculptures at Senkoji and in the HidaRegion
, Feb. 1-March 30, Admission: 1,000 yen
Address: 2-1-1 Murocho-Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku (7th floor of Mitsui & Company Main Building)
Access: Mitsukoshi-mae Station on Subway Ginza Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (Hellow Dial)


Kite Museum in Nihonbashi, Tokyo was built by Masaaki Modegi on the 5th floor of Taimeiken Building in 1977. Masaaki Modegi is the son of Shingo Modegi who was the founder of the western style restaurant Taimeken in 1927. Collecting kites was started by Shingo Modegi as his hobby. Today, collecting kites succeeded by the family amount to about 3,000 and of them 300 are exhibited in the museum and shown to the public. Also, precious hand drawn kites are sold at about 7,000 to 9,000 yen a piece and a printed one at 350 yen.

Kite Museum
Open: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Sunday, Monday and National holidalys)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 6, 2024 closed)
Admission: 200 yen
New Address: 1-5-3 Muromachi, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku.
Access: Nihonbashi Station or Mitsukoshi-mae on Subway Ginza Line
Telephone: 03-3275-2704
more photos



The center is a unique and innovative art exhibition facility. Instead of maintainig a permanent collection, it makes the most of a total 14,000 square meters of exhibition space, focusing on serving as a venue for various art exhibitions. The Center also promotes outreach activities through its educational programs, and the Art Library serving to collect and disseminate information related to art.

Special Exhibition: LIVING Modernity: Experiments in the Exceptional and Everyday 1920s-1970s, March 19-June 30, Admission: 2,100 yen
Address: 7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku
Access: Nogizaka Station on Subway Chiyoda Line
Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Tue - if Tuesday is a holiday on Wednesday)(Dec. 26, 2023-Jan. 10, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (Hellow Dial)


Ancient Egyptian Art, Feb. 27 (2024)-Feb. 9 (2025)
June 3-June 17 (museum closed)

"People forget the dead no matter how great he or she was. On the other hand, classic artworks remain for eternity. So it is my dream to have the public enjoy all that I have collected." Seijiro Matsuoka (1894-1989) a Tokyo-born successful businessman used to say and when he turned 80 years old he decided to share his grand collections with the public. In 1975, he founded the Matsuoka Museum of Art in Shinbashi. As his collections continued to expand, he planned to build a larger museum. However, he passed away before fulfilling this dream. His family members decided to build a new museum at the site of his residence in Shirokanedai in Minato-ku which he loved very much and often commented "This house is surrounded by nature. I can see big birds, Autumn is especially nice." He likened his residence to Hakone.
Admission: 800 yen
Address: 5-12-6 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku
Access: Shirokanedai Station on Subway Nanboku Line or Mita Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5449-0251


Emile Galle Longing for Paris, Feb. 15-April 13

"Art in Life" has been the theme of the Museum for 40 years since its establishment. With this on-going theme, the museum has zealously collected Japan's antique arts and crafts. The Collection distinctively different from a conventional private museum collection based on an individual collector's sense and taste in art. At present, the Collection consists of over 3,000 articles closely connected to Japanese life, as a wide and full art collection with enriched content.
Time: Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (closed Tuesday and New Year Days and Year End)(Dec. 4, 2023-Jan. 30, 2024 Closed)
Address: Tokyo Midtown Gardenside 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku
Access: Direct connection from Exit 8 of Roppongi Station on Subway Hibiya Line
Telephone: 03-3479-8600


Shared Beauty - Detached Segments of Ancient Japanese Calligraphy, Dec. 21-Feb. 9

The museum opened in 1941 at the private residence of Kaichiro Nezu (1860-1940) the founder of Tobu Railway. The museum was set in the beautiful spacious Japanese garden with pond, several tea houses, etc. Nezu Kaichiro's holdings of Japanese and other Asian pre-modern arts form the core of the museum collection. The museum's group of ancient Chinese bronzes is world famous. The museum has extensive holdings of Japanese paintings and ceramics from after the fifteenth century and has become famous for the folding-screen painting of Irises by the seventeenth century Rimpa artist, Ogata Korin.
Address:6-5-1 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku
Access: Omote Sando Station Exit A5 on Subway Ginza Line, Hanzomon Line, Chiyoda Line
Time: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Admission: 1,100 yen
Telephone: 03-3400-2536


The Appearance and Spirit of Samurai
, Jan. 28-March 23

Okura Shukokan is an art museum founded by Kihachiro Okura (1837-1928) the founder of the Okura conglomerates. Since the Meiji Restoration in 1868, he devoted himself not only to the development of industry and foreign trade in the newly rising Japan, but also made a great contribution to fostering educational and welfare services in the Meiji Era (1868-92). For him it was a tragedy to see so many of Japan's cultural treasures leaving the country. He, therefore, willingly offered himself as a guardian and promoter of Japan's original culture, and eventually donated to the public a mass of cultural property which he had collected during an expanse of over half a century since the Restoration. This is the Foundation called the Okura Shukokan established in August, 1917. It was a forerunner of private art museums in Japan. The collection consists of about 2500 works of art, and about 1000 volumes of books. The entire collection includes 3 Natinal Treasures, 12 important Cultural Properties, and 44 important Art Objects.

Address: 2-10-3 Toranomon, Minato-ku
Access: Kamiya Station on Subway Hibiya Line
Time: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Admission: 1,300 yen
Telephone: 03-5575-5711


The Mori Art Museum has developed its own distinctive approach to art activities, embracing the concepts of "contemporary" and "international" since its establishment in 2003. The museum is committed to presenting a wide range of exhibitions and public programs that feature cutting-edge visual arts, architecture and design in a global perspective. The intention of the Mori Art Museum's continuing "Art plus Life" principle is to realize an enriched society where art relates to all aspects of life.

MACHINE LOVE: Video Game, AI and Art, Feb. 13-June 8, Admission: 2,000 yen
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (As there is no permanent exhibition, the Museum is closed when no exhibitions are being held)(Open Year-end and New Year Days)
Access: 53rd floor Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, Roppongi Map:
Station on subway Hibiya Line
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)


The Mori Arts Center Gallery holds wide variety of exhibitions from fashion, cinema to historical masterpices of paintings.

Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient EGYPT from Brooklyn Museum, Jan. 25-April 6

Admission: 3,700 yen (Open everyday during the exhibition)

Mori Arts Center Gallery (

Hours: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (Museum is closed to the public when no exhibitions are being held)(Open Year-end and New Year Days)
Access: 53rd floor Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, Roppongi Map:
Station on subway Hibiya Line
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)

SEN-OKU HAKUKO KAN MUSEUM - Sumitomo Collection

Flower Containers, Jan. 25-March 16

The museum which is known as the Sumitomo Collection exhibits and preserves art objects which have been collected by the Sumitomo family. The Sumitomo Collection is famous for its ancient Chinese bronzes and mirrors. The main building was built in Kyoto in 1986 and in 2002 Sen-Oku Hakuko Kan Tokyo was established so that people in Tokyo can also appreciate the collection. Besides the bronze collection, Chinese and Japanese calligraphic works and paintings, western-style paintings, modern ceramics, Japanese tea utensils, etc. have been donated from the Sumitomo Family.
Address: 1-5-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku
Access: Roppongi itchome Station on Subway Nanboku Line
Admission: 520 yen
Hours: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m., (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 18, 2023-Jan. 19, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)

HATAKEYAMA Memorial Museum of Fine Art
The Museum is closed for four years from March 18, 2019 for refurbishing.

The museum was established in 1964 as a non-profit foundation for the purpose of preserving Chinese, Korean and Japanese art objects and to promote and encourage their appreciation. The emphasis of the collection is on arts relating to the tea ceremony and profound aesthetics of "tea taste."

Founder of the museum Issei Hatakeyama (1881-1971), after graduating Tokyo Imperial University with a degree in mechanical engineering, he founded Ebara Corporation in 1912 and became one of the leading industialists of his age.
Address: 2-20-12 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku
Access: Takanawadai Station on Toei Subway Asakusa Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mondays, if Monday is a holiday, closed on Tuesday)
Telephone: 03-3447-5787


TTM reopened on Nov. 22, 2014 after three years of major renovation and restoration. The renovations combined improvements to the facilities of the Main Building, the Former Prince Asaka Residence, with research and reproduction to return to its original form. In addition, the new Annex now adds white cube exhibition galleries to the museum's exhibition spaces.

Since its opening in 1983, the museum has attracted countless visitors from Japan and throughout the world. Housed in a beautifully preserved Art Deco-style building constructed in 1933 as the residence for the Prince Asaka Family, and situated in spacious verdant gardens, the museum offers a unique settings for the appreciation of fine works of art.

Wonderment Noe Aoki/ Ritsue Mishima Exhibition, Nov. 30-Feb. 16

Address: 5-21-9 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku
Access: Shirokanedai Station on Subway Nanboku Line, Meguro Station on JR Yamanote Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Admission: 1,100 yen
Telephone: 03-3443-0201


The museum opened in April 2003. It provides a setting where the general public can view the paintings and print works of the leading 20th century French painter Georges Rouault whose works have been collected by the company. The museum also holds comprehensive special , exhibitions on themes related Rouault, as well as on the themes of "architecture" and "design" and "applied arts."

Le Corbusier Synthesis of the Arts 1930-1965, Jan. 11-March 23

パナソニック汐留美術館 Panasonic Shiodome Museum of Art | Panasonic

Address:: Tokyo Shiodome Bldg. 1-5-1 Higashi-Shiodome, Minato-ku
Access: Shinbashi Station on JR Yamanote Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed on Wed)(Dec. 18, 2023-Jan 10, 2024 closed)
Admission: Varies by exhibition
Telephone: 03-5777-8600


The museum was opened in 2003 for the purposes of helping modern pottery artists and spreading the modern pottery based on the Kikuchi Kanjitsu and Tomo's collections.

The museum stands on a hill near Hotel Okura in Toranomon area. Inside the compound of the museum is a beautiful western style house which was built by Tomo's father a successful businessman Kikuchi Kanjitsu. The building is designated as a national cultural asset.

Kikuchi Collection, Jan. 18-May 6 (2025), Admission: 1,000 yen
Address: Nishikubo Bldg. 4-1-35 Toranomon, Minato-ku
Hours: 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 1. 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5733-5131


Imperial Palace Sannomaru Shozokan
Imperial Palace, East Garden, Chiyoda-ku

Inviting Fortune - Auspicious Symbols in Japanese Art, Jan. 4-March 2

The Collections include Art of the Pre-modern Ages of Japan and Modern Japanese Art purchased and donated to the Imerial Household. Collections also introduce various works from around the world such as portraits of sovereigns of various countries.

Hours: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (closed Mon)(Dec. 25,2023-Jan. 3, 2024 Closed)
URL: Sannomaru Shozokan
Admission: 1,000 yen On Line Reservation necessary
Telephone: 050-5541-8600


The Mitsubishi Ichigokan building was designed in 1894 by the English architect Josah Conder at the invitation of the Japanese government not long after the country had ended a long period of national seclusion. Having aged significantly, the original structure was torn down in 1968, and now, some 40 years later, it has been reconstructed on the same lot according to Conder's original plans. The Mitsubishi Ichigokan, symbolizing the modernization of Japan in the late 19th century, has been reborn as the Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum, an icon of Tokyo's Marunouchi district in 2010.

The museum is closed for renovation until autumn 2024
Address: 2-6-2.Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku
Access: JR Tokyo Station
Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 31, 2022-Jan. 1, 2023 closed)
Admission: 1,600 yen (special exhibition)
Telephone: +81-3-54058686 (Hello Dial English Only)/ 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial Japanese Only)

Seikado Museum
The museum has moved to the 1st floor of Daiichi Life Insurance Hall, Chiyoda-ku, Oct. 1, 2022.

Exhibition: KABUKI PRINTS - First Exhibition of Treasured Ukiyo-e Prints: 190 Years since the Birth of Toyohara Kunichika, Jan. 25-March 23
For this exhibition, ticket reservation necessary. Check the museum website below.

Seikado was founded by Baron Yanosuke Iwasaki (1851-1908), the younger brother of Yataro Iwasaki founder of Mitsubishi. The museum was further expanded by Yanosuke's son, Baron Koyata Iwasaki who became the fourth president of Mitsubishi. "Seikado" is the studio-name of Yanosuke Iwasaki. Many Japanese lost sight of their cultural heritage in their headlong westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of the late 1860s. Yanosuke and his son Koyata collected books, artworks and other cultural treasures systematically to help safeguard that heritage. Baron Koyata hoped to establish an art museum, but W.W. II intervened. Koyata's dream was realized in 1992, in commemoration of hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Seikado collection a new museum was opened. Seikado houses their collection of 6,500 works of art in a museum. The museum displays its treasures to the public in a year-round program of exhibtions.

Address; Meijiseimeikan 1F, 2-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Access: Subway Chiyoda Line Nijubashi Station
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)
Admission: 1,500 yen
Access: Nijubashi-mae Stn. Exit 3, Subway Chiyoda Line/ Yuraku-cho Stn. JR Yamanote Line/ Yuraku-cho Stn., Subway Yurakucho Line
Telephone: 050-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)


Akiko Miyawaki Retrospective: I saw, I cut, I applied, Jan. 25-March 16, Admission: 1,500 yen

Tokyo Station Gallery was established in 1988 in part of Tokyo Central Station at the north exit area based on the idea that a station could offer people a chance to experience the arts and cultures, rather than merely serving as a transportation hub. In the autumn 2012, after the completion of a 5-year restoration project for the preservation of Tokyo Station, the museum finally made a new start as more advanced museum with up-to-date facilities and ideas.
Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Admission: Differs for each exhibition
Access: JR Tokyo Station Marunouchi North Exit
Telephone: 03-3212-2485


The museum was intiated in 1966 for the purpose of presenting artworks collected and cherished by Sazo Idemitsu (1885-1981), the founder of the Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd. The collections are representative works of Eastern Asian antiques. Sazo Idemitsu said at the time of initiation, "A museum is an art piece created by the people, therefore, the presence of Japanese originality and beauty is essential. Its most important duty is to continue its collection of art masterpieces, not only for the education of the present but for the preservation of the artworks for the coming gneneration."

The museum is located on the 9th floor of the Teigeki Building.

The Museum is closed during the reconstruction of the Teigeki Building from Dec. 25, 2024
Address: 9th floor Teigeki Bldg, 3-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku
Access: Yurakucho Station on subway Yurakucho Line/ Hibiya Station on subway Chiyoda Line
Admission: 1,000 yen
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (hello dial)


JCII (Japan Camera and optical instruments Inspection and Testing Institute) opened the museum in 1989 to preserve historical Japanese cameras and to expose cameras and the history of photography to as many people as possible. The museum houses several thousand cameras produced in Japan as well as overseas.

Honma Kaneo Photo Exhibition at JCII Photo Salone Nov. 29-Dec. 2 (JCII Photo Salone is located next building of JCII Camera Museum)

Access: Hanzomon Station on Subway Hanzomon Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Address: 25, Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Admission: 300 yen
Telephone: 03-3263-7110


As the beginning of the Meiji period, there was a movement demanding the establishment of a museum to permanently display contemporary art. Despite the petition was taken up several times in parliament, a national facility for the permanent display of modern art was never realized until the opening of this Museu. In 1952, the museum was established in at Kyobashi, Chuo-ku. Due to the growth of the Museum Collection and the expansion of special exhibitions, the museum was moved to the present place in Kitanomaru Koen in 1969. Again in 1999, to update the facilities to meet social demand the museum was closed for renovation and the refurbished museum was opened in 2002.

MOMAT Collection Exhibition, Feb. 11-June 15
Address: 3-1 Kitanomaru Koen, Chiyoda-ku
Access: Takebashi Station on Subway Tozai Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
(closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tue) (Dec. 4, 2023-Jan. 22, 2024 closed)Admission: 420 yen
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)

The Museum has moved to Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture

Tectonic Shifts in Printing, Printmaking and Graphic Design 1957-1979
, Dec. 29-March 3, 2004

The museum was opened in 1877 as a branch of The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.
The Craft Gallery introduces mainly modern Japanese craft and design works since the Meiji period (1868-1912) .

The building of the Crafts Gallery was built in 1910, as the headquarters of the Imperial Guards. It was restored and opened as the Crafts Gallery, an annex to the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, in November, 1977.

National Crafts Museum (
Address: 1-1 Kitanomaru-koen, Chiyoda-ku
Access: Takebashi Station on Subway Tozai Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Admission: 300 yen
Telephone: 050-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)


The National Archives of Japan preserves government documents and records of importance as historical materials received by the Prime Minister from various government ministries and agencies, and makes them available to the public with the aim of archiving appropriate preservation and use of such government documents and records that are in the custody of the National or government organs.

Pandemic of Edo Period and Medicine, Oct. 21-Dec. 17
Permanent Exhibition: History of Japan
, Admission: free

Address: 3-2 Kitanomaru Koen, Chiyoda-ku
Access: Takebashi Station on Subway Tozai Line
Time: 9:15 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed on Sat, Sun and Holidays)(Dec. 28. 2023-Jan. 5, 2024 closed)
Admission: free
Telephone: 03-3214-0621



The Eisei-Bunko (Eisei Archive) is a collection of important art objects acquired and passed down in the Hosokawa family, a daimyo in Higo, the present day Kumamoto in Kyushu.

Japanese Ceramics The Hosokawa Family Collection plus Kanjiro Kawai and Tea Ceremony Utensils, Jan. 11-Apr. 13
Address: 1-1-1 Mejirodai, Bunkyo-ku
Access: Take a Bus for Chinzanso from JR Mejiro Station on Yamanote Line and get off at Chinzanso
Time: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 4, 2023-Jan. 12, 2024 closed)
Admission: 800 yen
Telephone: 03-3941-0850

Closed for Renovation from July 16, 2019

The museum was established in 2000 celebrating the 90th anniversary of Kodansha Ltd. The museum exhibits the Noma Japanese Art Collection, art objects collected by Seiji Noma, Kodansha's founder, mostly in the early part of the 20th century.
Address: 2-22-30 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku
Access: Take a Bus for Chinzanso from JR Mejiro Station on Yamanote Line and get off at Chinzanso
Time: 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Closed on Mon and Tue)
Admission: 500 yen
Telephone: 03-3945-0947

Yayoi Museum/ Takehisa Yumeji Museum

The Yayoi Museum was built by Lawyer Takumi Kano (1919-2009) in 1984 who was deeply impressed by a picture titled "Goodbye Hometown!" drawn by an illustrator Kasho Takabatake in 1929. The museum holds feature exhibitions four times a year. Jan. to March, April to June, July to Sept. and Oct. to Dec. Third floor of the museum is a permanent exhibition room of works of Kasho Takabatake with 50 his works.

Yasuko Aoike 60 Years of Dazzling Manga Artistry, Feb. 1-June 1 at Yayoi Museum/Takehisa Yumeji Love and Thoughts - messages in his works -, Feb. 1-June 1 at Yumeji Museum

URL: Yayoi Museum/ Takehisa Yumeji Museum
Address: Yayoi Museum
, 2-4-3 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Telephone: 03-3812-0012/ Address: Takehisa Yumeji Museum, 2-4-2 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Telephone: 03-5689-0462
Open: 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (closed Mon and Tue and Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Admission: 1,000 yen
Access: Nezu Station on Subway Chiyoda Line and Todai Mae Station on Subway Nanboku Line. 10 minutes walk from both stations. The museum is located just in front of Yayoi Gate of Tokyo University Hongo Campus.


Hara Museum of Contemporary Art

Museum is closed permanently from Jan. 12, 2021

Opened in Tokyo in 1970 and dedicated to contemporary art, the Hara Museum showcases the latest developments in art, design, architecture, music and dance. It is Bauhaus-inspired structure (designed by Jin Watanabe in 1938) is a rare example of early Showa archtecture.

URL: Hara Museum
Hours: Tue through Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed on Mon. if Mon. is a holiday on Tue.)(closed Dec. 28-Jan. 4)
Access: Kita-Shinagawa Station on Keikyu Line
Telephone: 03-3445-0651



Special Exhibition: Power of Expression beyond Genre, Jan. 19-March 2

Calligraphy is regarded by the Japanese as an art rather than a bare means of communication, and poems are often more prized for their beautiful calligraphy than for their literay merit. Sir George Sansom once said "No full understanding of Japanese aesthetics can be reached by those who do not understand the written characters." Calligraphy is often regarded as the purest manifestation of an artist's inner character and level of cultivation, as well as the expression of his soul, thoughts, and feelings.

Admission: 1,000 yen
Address: 1-3-1 Tokiwadai, Itabashi-ku
Access: Tokiwadai Station on Tobu Tojo Line from Ikebukuro
Time: 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. (closed on Mon and Tue)(closed Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 5, 2024)
Admission: 550 yen (Regular Exhibitiion)
Telephone: 03-3965-2611



Permanent Exhibition
Morikazu Kumagai (1880-1977) is today recognized as a representative aritst of the Japanese modern age.
He was born in Gifu and came to Tokyo and entered Tokyo University of Fine Arts in 1900. His early works are influenced by Fauviism. Gradually he established his own style during the time before and after the W.W. II. He painted flat and used intense lines. He lived long and in his later years, he spent most of his time painting small animals, insects, birds and plants in his small garden.
Address: 2-27-6 Chihaya, Toshima-ku
Access: Kanamecho Station on Subway Yurakucho Line
Time: 10:30 p.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 7, 2024 closed)
Admission: 500 yen
Telephone: 03-3957-3779


To have a philatelic museum -- this is the idea long cherished by the late Mr. Mizuhara Meiso, first president of the Japan Philatelic Society. It was more than 20 years ago that he hit upon the idea, for the purpose to develop the hobby of stamp-collecting, to cultivate philatelists, and to expand the sympathy among the people. He also felt it necessary to have a place where many stamps were to be preserved, both precious and common, both Japanese and foreign, ready to be shown to the general public who were interested in stamps or who were studying the postal history and the history of development of philately. The museum was opened in 1987.

Stamps of Maps, Jan. 8-March 30

1st Floor: Exhibition Zone and Shop Zone
2nd Floor: Library Zone
3rd Floor: Exhibition Room

Philatelic Museum
Open: 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Admission: 200 yen
Address: 1-4-23 Mejiro, Toshima-ku
Access: 5 minutes walk from JR Mejiro Station
Telephone: 03-5951-3331



The museum is Japan's first museum to specialize in Nihonga (Japanese paintings). It opened in 1966 in the Kabutocho area of Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku. The museum's core collection consists of a large group of paintings donated by the museum's founder Taneji Yamazaki (1893-1983). Its second director Tomiji Yamazaki a son of the founder broadened and deepened the collection. In 2009, the museum moved to its new home in Hiroo, Shibuya-ku.

Special Exhibition: The Japanese Art of Happiness - From Ito Jakuchu to Yokoyama Taikan, Kawabata Ryushi, ,Dec. 14-Feb. 24, Admission: 1,200 yen
Address: 3-12-36 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku
Access: Ebisu Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Ebisu Station on subway Hibiya Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed on Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 2, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (hello dial)


Bunkamura, The Museum is mainly engaged in planning and exhibiting art with a focus on a stream of modern art. The Museum holds thematic, visionary, and highly recognized exhibitions, such as solo exhibitions of artists who have little chance to exhibit in Japan and exhibitions of masterpieces from internationally renowned museums. Four to six exhibitions are planned and held annually with a focus on the four themes: Western paintings in the 19th and 20th centuries, masterpieces from international museums, the works of female artists, and photography.

No exhibitions currentlly planned


Address: 2-24-1 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku
Admission: 1,600 yen
Access: Shibuya Station on JR Yamanote Line/Subway Ginza Line/ Tokyu Den-en Toshi Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-7 p.m. (open only during the exhibitions)
Telephone: 03-3477-9111


Ukiyo-e originated at the beginning of the Tokugawa era as a form of popular art unique to Japan. However, from the end of the Tokugawa era to the beginning of the Meiji Period, many masterpieces leaked out to the West. The late Seizo Ota lamented such conditions, and from the beginning of the Showa Period, he spent more than half a century collecting ukiyo-e, compiling a collection of over 1,4000 pieces. After his death, his family fulfilled his vision, contributing to the promotion of Japan's traditional art by holding exhibitions of artworks that had never been available to the public before. The museum opened in 1980.

Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Exhibition "Moon", April 3-May 26, Admission: 800 yen
Address: 1-10-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Access: Harajuku Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Meiji Jingu Station on Subway Chiyoda Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Open only during the exhibitons)(Closed Dec. 25, 2023 till April for renovation 2024)
Admission: 700 yen, 1,000 yen (special exhibition)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)


The museum has a great collection of decorative porcelain focusing on ancient Japan, China and Korea. The delicate and decorative porcelain pieces are from the personal collection of Tohru Toguri (1926-2007), a businessman and art collector. The museum was opened in 1987 on the land where the feudal lord of Nabeshima lived. Nabeshima (Saga today) in Kyushu was known as one of the finest producing porcelain district in Japan. Toguri stated about a moative of his collection he felt a fear that our next generation might not know what their ancestors had created and achieved. Visitors can also enjoy beautiful Japanese gardens.

Imari of Innovation Time, Jan. 15-March 30
Address: 1-11-3 Shoto, Shibuya-ku
Access: Shibuya Station on JR Yamanote Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 22, 2023-Jan. 6, 2024 closed)
Admission: 1,000 yen
Telephone: 03-3465-0070


The museum promotes a variety of events, including special exhibitions which covers wide range of paints, sculptures and crafts. There are exhibitions which are related to Shibuya City in February and March: public entry exhibiton provided by the residents those who live, work or study in Shibuya and art exhibiton by the elementary and junior high school students. Besides exhibitions, concerts, lectures, gallery seminars, showing art movies and professional art consultations are held. Art classes are held 8 times a year providing practical art leessons for those who live or study in Shibuya City.

Shoto Museum Public Subscription Exhibition, Feb. 23-March 16, Admission: 1,000 yen
Address: 2-14-14 Shoto, Shibuya-ku
Access: Shibuya Station on JR Yamanote Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-3465-9421


Koga Masao (1904-1978) was a composer of Japanese music in the genre of "kayokyoku" or "ryukoka."He attended Meiji University where he was an active member of the mandolin club. His sentimental melodies were extremely popular. He was also the chairman of the Japanese Society of Rights of Authors and Composers, and Publishers. He was posthumously awarded People's Honor Award. The museum was built to honor his achievements at the site where his residence was at Yoyogi in Shibuya-ku. Visitors can see memorabilia of Koga and enjoy listening to music composed by him on demand and also karaoke rooms are provided.
Address: 3-6-12 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Access: Yoyogi Uehara Station on Odakyu Line and Subway Chiyoda Line
Admission: 540 yen
Telephone: 03-3460-9051
, J

WATARI-UM Museum of Contemporary Art

Modern Artist Amemiya Kosuke Exhibition, Dec. 21-March, Admission: 1,000 yen

The world of art is increasingly becoming art in the world. Within that development, I find the Watari-Um to be one of the central places. It is realizing on the highest level and in a very refined way what many pople are trying to do everywhere. From the very beginning, the Watari-Um Museum has aimed its gaze at the top of the mountain. This could already be seen in the decision to invite Mario Botta to design the building. It could be seen by the invitation of world specialists in exhibitonmaking and the inclusion of artists that are internaional references for the development of contemporary art. Never was there a confusion between having local roots and being regionalistic.

The choices that are appearing in the list of the artists are clearly Japan-based. The Watari-Um Museum is neither regionalistic nor internationlistic. In the sense that it is showing whatever is considered important everywhere. It is: Japan choosing its links based on the sensitivities of its own culture. (Jan Hoet)

Open: 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (Closed Mon. and Dec. 31, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Address: 3-7-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Access: Jingumae Station on Subway Ginza Line
Telephone: 03-3402-3001



Docs: Images and Records. TOP 30th Anniversary: Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2025 at 3,2, B1F, 1F hall, Jan. 31-Feb. 16

At the m: Ausstuseum, besides a large permanent collection, major Japanese and Western photographers are featured with excellent changing exhibitions.

The museum occupies a four floor building in one corner of Ebisu Garden Place.
Access: Ebisu Station on JR Yamanote Line/ Ebisu Station on Subway Hibiya Line
Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 2, 2024 closed)(Jan. 2 and 3 opens from 11 a.m)
Address: 1-13-3 Mita, Meguro-ku
Telephone: 03-3280-0099


The museum was founded by Soetsu Yanagi (1889-1961) the first advocator of the Mingei (folk crafts) movement in Japan. He was first attracted to Korean ceramics and founded the Koreal Folk Art Museum in Seoul in 1924. Later, Yanagi came to pay attention to his own country, Japan. The first thing he was attracted was a folk Buddha called mokujiki in Edo period. Gradually he was paying attention to the healthy and the honest beauty in ordinary people's craftworks made by unknown craftspeople. He devoted himself in promoting the Mingei philosophy and introduced various handicrafts from all over Japan to the public. He designed the main hall of the present museum which was registered as Registered Tangible Cultural Property of Japan in 1999.

Buddhist Aesthetics what Yanagi witnessed, Jan. 12-March 20

Open: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25- 2023-Jan. 13, 2024 closed)
Address: 4-3-33 Komaba, Meguro-ku
Access: Komaba-Toda-mae Station on Inokashira Line
Telephone: 03-3467-4527


Sato Sakura Museum of Art specializes in contemporary nihonga. Nihonga is Japanese-style painting executed in traditional Japanese techniques and materials. In 2012, a branch of Sato Sakura Museum (its main museum in Koriyama, Fukushima) was opened in Meguro, Tokyo near the bank of Meguro River where many people gather during the cherry blossom season. The museum annually holds four to five exhibitions selecting works from its collection according to different themes. The carefully designed museum allows visitors to enjoy the delicate works of Nihonga in an intimate space.

The World of Koichi Nabatame,Dec. 7-Feb. 24
Address: 1-7-13 Kami Meguro, Meguro-ku
Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (closed Mon and Tue)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 5, 2024 closed)
Access: Naka Meguro Station on Subway Hibiya Line
Admission: 500 yen
Telephone: 03-3496-1771



The Gotoh Museum was opened in 1960 and displays the private collection of Keita Gotoh (1882-1959) founder of Tokyu Group conglomerate. Collections center on the classical Japanese and Chinese art. Some are designated as national treasures including Genji Monogatari Emaki and handscroll of the Murasaki Shikibu Diary with illustrations. Genji is exhibited in May during the golden week days and Murasaki Shikibu in October for one week. The museum stands inside a huge Japanese style beautiful garden which is very much worth visiting.

Tea Ceremony Utensils from the museum collection, Oct. 10
-Feb. 16

Address: 3-9-25 Kaminoge, Setataya-ku
Access: Kaminoge Station on Tokyu Oi Line
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Admission: 1,000 yen
Telephone: 050-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)


The Setagaya Art Museum opened in 1986. Since then, it has vigorously presented exhibitions of art ranging from the prehistoric to the most contemporary. In its exhibiting and collecting, the museum has given special emphasis to art, from both within the country and overseas. Also, because of the unusually large number of artists living in the Setagaya area, the museum has made an effort to bring the work of these artists to the attentiion of the public.

Selections from the Setagaya Art Museum Green Planet: Plants in the Museum Forest, Feb. 27-April 13

Address: 1-2 Kinuta Koen, Setagaya-ku (The museum is located inside the Kinuta Park)
Access: Bus from Yoga Station on Den-en Toshi Line to Bijutsukan
Admission: 200 yen
Time: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-3415-6011


Mukai Junkichi (1901-1995) was born in Kyoto and studied at the Kyoto Municipal Arts and Craft School. He traveled to Europe from 1927 and returned to Japan in 1930. He established his studio in Tsurumaki, Setagaya-ku which became his working quarters. Mukai consistantly used the traditional thatched roof farm houses of Japan as the subject of his paintings. Saddened at the loss of these structures which were rapidly disappearing, Mukai travelled to all parts of the country and depicted them with accurate realism and vividness.

The Mukai Junkichi Annex of Setagaya Museum of Art is located in the quiet residential area of Tsurumaki in Setagaya where he lived with his family since 1933 to his death.
Address: 2-5-1 Tsurumaki, Setagaya-ku
Access: Komazawa Daigaku Station on Den-en Toshi Line from Shibuya
Time: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Admission: 200 yen
Telephone: 03-5450-9581



The museum's core collection is comprised of the works of Seiji Togo - a noted Japanese artist. Togo donated some 200 of his works to the museum along with his collection of over 250 works by other Japanese and foreign artists. On top of it, SOMPO JAPAN Fine Art Foundation has steadily expanded its collection including the works of Grandma Moses, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Tsuguharu Fujita, Ryusei Kishida, Kayo Yamaguchi and other award-winning artists.

The Way of Pintings 2025 FACE Award Winners, Jan. 18-Feb. 11
Address: 1-26-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku (42nd floor of the SOMPO JAPAN Building)
Access: Shinjuku Station on JR Yamanote Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-5777-8600
(Hello Dial)


Sato International Cultural Scholarship Foundation was established in 1990 for the purposes of managing an art museum, granting scholarships to Japanese and foreign students majored in art, and contributing to the promotion of mutual understanding through international exchanges in art.

The museum collection focuses on Japanese paintings on the theme of nature, especially flowers and greenery.

Mt. Fuji Drawn by Nihonga Painters, Jan. 7-Feb. 16
Address: 31-10 Daikyo-cho, Shinjuku-ku
Admission: 600 yen
Access: Sendagaya Station on JR Soamabu Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 18, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 03-3358-6021


The museum opened in Tokyo Opera City in 1999. The role of the gallery is to aim for the creation of a new culture in the metropolis. Tokyo Opera Citc. Art Gallery holds special exhibitions about four times a year, introducing various and unique activities of art.

Kei Imazu Exhibition: Tanah Air, Jan. 11-March 23
Address: 3-20-2 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
Access: Hatsudai Station on Keio Shinsen (Keio New Line)
Hours: 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Closed Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 16, 2024)
Admission: 1,200 yen
Telephone: +81-(0)3-5353-0756/ 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)



The Nerima Art Museum was founded in 1985 as a Nerima Ward's public museum. Today, the collection exceeded 2,400 items. The museum has held 160 special exhibitions until today.

56th Nerima City Citizens Art Exhibition, Feb. 13-Feb. 18 and Feb. 23-Feb. 28

Nerima Art Museum
Address: 1-3-16 Nukui, Nerima-ku
Access: Three minutes from Nakamurabashi Station on Seibu Ikebukuro Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Admission 800 yen
Telephone: 03-3577-1821


Reservation necessary

Ghibli Museum, Mitaka is produced by STUDIO GHIBLI and is a new popular tourist spot in Tokyo becoming famous by the world famous animation film director Hayao Miyazaki's movies. The museum is located in Mitaka City. Despite situating in the crowded residential area of Tokyo, the museum is ln the wonderful quiet green environment of Mitaka's Inokashira Park. It is built on a small land and the visitors must preserve tickets at travel agencies when you are in foreign lands and if you are in Japan, reservations are available at Japanese convenient store LAWSON.

Special Exhibition: "The Boy and the Heron" Part 3 Background Art from Nov. 23, 2024
Film: Mei and the Baby Cat Bus Feb. 1-Feb. 28
Address: 1-1-83 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo
Access: Loop Bus via Ghibli Museum and Bus for Myo-jo Gakuin from JR Mitaka Station on Chuo-Sobu Line
Telephone: 0570-055-777
Admission: 1,000 yen (adults), 400 yen (children), 100 yen (4 years and under)
Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (closed Tuesday)(Dec. 27, 2023-Jan. 2, 2024 closed), Entrance: Four times a day
more photos

(Hachioji City)


The museum was opened in 2003 on the second floor of a multi-functional building View Tower Hachioji. The museum holds about six special exhibitions a year and throughout a year a part of the museum's perment collections are appreciated.

Yume Art Museum Best Selection Exhibition, Feb. 8-March 23, Admission: 800 yen
Address; 2nd Floor, View Tower Hachioji, 8-1 Yokamachi, Hachioji City, Tokyo
Access: Take a bus from North Exit of JR Hachioji Station and get off at Yokamachi Icchome (1-chome) bus stop.
Hours: 10 a.m.-7 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 042-621-6777


The museum was opened in November 1983. The man instrumental was Rene Huyghe (1906-97) the acclaimed French art historian. Huyghe came to Japan in 1974 accompanied Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece for a showing in Japan, where he met with Daisaku Ikeda a Buddhist philosopher and the leader of Soka Gakkai. Hugyhe was impressed by Ikeda's belief that the finest works of art should be shared and appreciated by as many people as possible which resulted in the foundation of the musuem. The museum is committed to create bridges to the world through the arts and culture. (from the museum website)

MAN RAY Exhibition Celebrating his 135th Anniversary of His Birth, Jan. 11-March 23, Admission: 1,300 yen
Open: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 11, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Admission: 800 yen
Accesses: JR Hachioji Station North Exit: Nishi-Tokyo Bus. Take the bus for Soka University Main Gate/ Tokyo Fuji Art Museum
Keio Hachioji Station: No. 4 Nishi-Tokyo Bus Platform. Take the bus for Soka University Main Gate/ Tokyo Fuji Art Museum
Address: Yano-machi 492-1, Hachioji City
Telephone: 042-691-4511

(Fuchu City)


The museum opened in 2000 with a theme of "Life and Art" focusing on the citizen's life in relation to beauty of art. The museum is located inside the Metropolitan Forest Park of Fuchu in a quiet green environment.

Mana Konishi Exhibition; Wherever, Dec. 14-Feb. 24

Fuchu Art Museum

Open: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Address: Sengencho 1-13, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Access;: From Keio Line Fuchu Station - Take a Chu bus for Tamacho and get off at the Museum bus stop/ From JR Musashi Koganei Station - Take a bus for Keio Fuchu and get off at Ippongi bus stop.
Telephone: 03-5777-8600 (hello dial)

(Machida City)


The museum is a unique museum centering on prints or graphic arts of the world. Since its opening in 1987, the museum collections of print works and related data exceeded 22,000 items. These abundant collections are exhibited in a spacious building of the museum which is located inside the large and beautiful natural park of Serigaya of Machida City.

Machida City Public School Elementary and Junior High School Art Exhibition
, Jan. 10-Feb. 16, Admission: free
Address: 4-28-1 Haramachida, Machida City, Tokyo
Access: 15 minutes walk from Machida Station on JR Yokohama Line or Odakyu Line
Admission: differ by exhibitions
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 042-726-2771

(Kanagawa Prefecture)


The museum was opened in 1989 to nurture a rich civic culture in Yokohama by encouraging citizens to appreciate modern and contemporary art and also engage in creative activities themselve. Appropriate to this international port town, the museum has focused its collection and exhibition activities on art made after 1859, the year the Port of Yokohama first opened.

Museum Closed for Renovation
Access: Sakuragicho Station on JR Negishi Line/ Minato Mirai Station on subway Minato Mirai Line.
Address: 3-4-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City
Hours: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Closed on Thursday, when Thursday is a national holiday, closed on the following day)
Admission 1,500 yen
Telephone: 045-221-0300/ +81(0)45-221-0300


The Sogo Museum was opened in 1985 to contribute culturally to the Yokohama's Minato Mirai 21 Project on the 6th floor of Sogo Department Store in Yokohama. The museum is a full scale museum.

Osamu Tezuka Black Jack Exhibition, Jan. 16-Feb. 25, Admission: 1,000 yen
Address: 2-18-1 Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: East Exit of JR Yokohama Station (3 minutes walk from the station)
Time: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (Open all days during the exhibition. On Jan. 1, 10 a.m.-6:00)
Telephone: 045-465-5515

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum was founded on March 6th, 1994 as the world's first Ramen-themed amusement park. Our concept has been to be the one-stop place to enjoy the flavors of this national dish from renowned shops across Japan without stepping on a plane.
An exhibition area where visitors can learn about the history and culture of ramen is also located on the first floor. In the "Ramen Making Experience class" visitors can make noodles using the traditional Chinese method of "green bamboo beating," and enjoy learning how flour is transformed into ramen. (Charge / Reservations required).
Our seven ramen shops are showcased in a street-scape replication from the year 1958, Japan. It was in this year that the world's first instant ramen was invented. (above copied from the museum pamphlet)

Admission: 450 yen (adult), Child (6-18) & seniors (65 over) 50 yen
Open: 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Closed: Dec. 31 and Jan. 1
Access: 5 minutes walk from JR Shin-Yokohama Station.
Address: 2-14-21 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama
Telephone: 045-471-0503
Website: 新横浜ラーメン博物館


Closed for Renovation till March

The HAYAMA building of The Museum of Modern Art, Kanagawa Prefecture was completed in March 2003 as the third building of the Museum. The building is a museum complex of the new generation, bestowed with an exhibition space equipped with the recent technology in lighting and air conditioning, an art library aiming to become the center for collecting documents and transmission of information, an auditorium equipped with multi-purpose audio-visual system and a state of the art storage space. After Museum of Modern Art in Kamakura was closed in January in 2016, the art works of the museum were moved to this museum.

http: Museum of Modern Art of Kanagawa in HayamaCheck also Kamakura Annex, The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura & Hayama from the above website.
Address: 2208-1, Isshiki, Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture
Hours: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed on Mon, if Monday is a holiday on the following day)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Admission: different by exhibitions
Access: Keikyu Bus No. 11 and 12 from Zushi Station on JR Yokosuka Line
Telephone: 046-875-2800


Iwatake Rie plus Kataoka Junya and the Museum Collection, Feb. 1-April 13

The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura opened as the first public museum of modern art in Japan in 1951.
In 2003, the museum has renamed to The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura & Hayama as our third building has opened in Hayama. From April 2016, the museum’s activities are integrated into two buildings known as The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama and the Kamakura Annex. Each location organizes 4 or 5 exhibitions a year. Besides organizing numerous exhibitions, we also work hard to plan a variety of activity programs for the public to enjoy the Museum in diverse ways. Our aim is to make the Museum a place for everyone to enjoy, feel comfortable, and discover something unexpected. (copied from the museum website)

Open: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed Monday and Dec. 29-Jan. 3
Admission: 250 yen excepting special exhibition
Address: 2-8-2 Yukinoshita Kamakura City
Access: 15 minutes walk from JR Kamakura Station.
Telephone: 0467-22-5000
Website: KAMAKURA ANNEX | The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura & Hayama


Due to disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, floods and wars, many valuable artifacts and antiquities in Kamakura were lost or destroyed. For the purpose of protecting those finest antiquities, Kamakura Kokuhokan was constructed in 1928. The museum houses 4,800 antiquities including five national treasures. The museum is owned and managed by Kamakura City.

Special Exhibition: Esoteric Buddhism Art of Ho Konfoji in Kouzu, Oct. 21-Dec. 3
Regular Exhibition: Buddhist Sculptures in Kamakura

Kamakura Kokuhokan
Time: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec 4 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Access: Located inside the Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine in Kamakura
Telephone: 0467-22-0753


Exhibition: UKIYOE Journey. Jan. 7-March 9

The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura was established as the first public modern art museum in Japan, and it left brilliant footprints on the modern history of this country. The building, one of the most famous works of Junzo Sakakura, was a highly regarded example of historical architecture. Blending well with other buildings on the grounds of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the Hall created beautiful and unique scenery.
When the Hall was closed in 2016, many people expressed their extreme remorse, and I felt the same. After discussions with the prefecture, we were given this famous structure and decided to use it as a museum with new goals. In order to pass on the history of Kamakura to future generations, our museum will continue to introduce the culture and natural beauty which individuals have protected and nurtured with the theme of Kamakura. We aim to serve as an information center for individuals who visit the various temples, shrines and cultural facilities. (Shigeho Yoshida, Director)

Open: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Closed on Monday and Year end.
Address: 2-1-53 Yukinoshita, Kamakura City
Telephone: 0467-55-9030
Access: 10 minutes walk from Kamakura Station.
Admission: 600 yen
Website: 鎌倉文華館 鶴岡ミュージアム公式ホームページ



Attractive Heroines Kiyokata Loved
, Jan. 18-Feb. 24, Admission: 450 yen

The Kaburaki Kiyokata Memorial Art Museum was constructed in 1998 on the site where Kaburaki Kiyokata, a great painter of the modern Nihonga, lived the last part of his life. The museum is a refined, elegant Japanese-style house which is in a quiet residential area of Yukinoshita, Kamakura. Kaburaki Kiyokata (1878-1972) was born in Kanda, Tokyo. He created many works focusing on graceful young women, and the lively life of the common people in town. All his works show sympathy and affection for the common people in town.

Kaburaki Kiyokata Museum
Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday and year end and new year holiday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Admission: 200 yen
Address: 1-5-25 Yukinoshita, Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: 7 minutes walk along the Komachi Dori Street from near Kamakura Station to north and turn to left.
Telephone: 0467-23-6405


The Art of Film Subtitle Translation - Infusing Magic into 4 Characters per Second, Jan. 19-March 30

Kawakita Film Museum is to contribute to the film culture of Kamakura City where Mr. and Mrs. Kawakita resided. The Museum serves the film and art community by organizing exhibitions, film screenings, workshops and browsing library of film books and magazines. The museum building fits well into the refined neighborhood with its distinctive Sukiya Style. Although the building looks modern, great care has been taken to maintain the original character of the wood block exterior. The open windows in the exhibition room overlook a Japanese garden. Nagamasa Kawakita (1903-1981) and Mrs. Kishiko Kawakita (1908-1993). It was the belief of the couple that cinema is the best medium to nurture understanding and friendship across borders. The Kawakitas devoted their lives to pursuing this belief. For many decades, from 1920s on, they bridged the cultures through cinema, introducing masterpieces from abroad to Japan and remarcable Jjapanese films to overseas. Their achievement and great affection toward cinema are still fondly remembered both in Japan and abroad.
Open : 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed on Monday.
Admission: 200 yen
Address: 2-2-12 Yukinoshita, Kamakura City
Access: 8 minutes walk from Kamakura Station
Telephone: 0467-23-2500
Website: 鎌倉市川喜多映画記念館 | 鎌倉の風情と世界の映画を楽しめる贅沢なひとときを。
The museum is temporarily closed due to damages by a typhoon in 2019

The Kawasaki City Museum opened as a cultural complex of history and art in 1988. In accordance with the concept of "The City and Its Peope," the exhibits and collections highlight the history and progress of Kawasaki on one hand and modern and contemporary artistic expressions on the other hand with exhibits of posters, photographs, manga, films and videos by artists who have drawn inspiration from the urban environment of Kawasaki and other cities.

On Line Exhibition Only

Kawasaki City Museum
Time: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed on Mon. and the day after the national holidays, and year end and New Year holidays)
Access: 15 minutes by Kawasaki City Bus from stop no. 1 at the north exit of Musashi Kosugi station on JR Nanbu Line
Telephone: 044-754-4500


The Hakone Open-Air Museum which opened in 1969 displays approximately 120 works by well-known modern and contemporary sculptors in spectacular grounds in Hakone. Also the museum has five exhibition halls including the Picasso Pavillion as well as pieces where children can play, a footbath fed by natural hot springs, and a variety of other facilities where visitors can relax and enjoy the splendor of art in nature.
Address: Ninotaira, Hakone-Town, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: Chokoku-no-Mori Station on Hakone Tozan Line
Time: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (open all days)
Telephone: 0460-82-1161
more photos


Narukawa Art Museum stands on a small hill surrounded by trees near Lake Ashinoko in Hakone. The Panorama Lounge at the front of the museum offers a spectacular view of Mount Fuji and Lake Ashinoko. This private museum possesses masterpieces of nihonga, Japanese-style paintings, collected by museum owner Minoru Narukawa. The collection includes 200 works by Kyujn Yamamoto, recipient of the Order of Cultural Merit.

The World of Kyujin Yamamoto: 1. When Spirit Flowers Bloom 2. Beyond Form: Sea and Mountain Landscapes/ Tamotsu Yoshida Exhibiion: Banko Fueki (Eternally Unchanging)/ ASliding-Door Painting for Tenpyozan Zendo, San Francisco (USA)/ Masterworks in Our Collection - The Sparkling World of Nihonga, Nov. 14-March 12

Permement Exhibition: Hidden Treasures of China
Hours:: Open all days from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Admission: 1,200 yen
Address: 570 Moto Hakone, Hakone Town, Ashigara Shimogun, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: Shinkansen and Bus: Take a Hakone Tozan Bus from JR Odawara Station and get off at Moto Hakone Minato (Quay)
Odakyu Line and Bus: Take a Hakone Tozan bus or Izu Hakone bus from either Odawara Station or Hakone Yumoto Station and get off at Moto Hakone Minato (Quay)
Telephone: 0460-83-6828
more photos


The museum opened in autumn 2013 in Hakone at Kowakudani hot springs located midway between Yumoto Station and Lake Ashinoko on the Japan National Highway Rt. 1. The Okada Museum of Art was constructed on the site of the old Kaikatei hotel built in the Meiji period for westerners. The museum has an impressive exhibition space of around 5,000 square meters. The spacious building mainly exhibits Japanese, Chinese, and Korean works of art ranging from ancient times through to the present age, collected by the businessman Okada Kazuo.

Gems of Japanese Modern Paintings by Gyoshu, Isson and other great artistsArtAn Artists - Wild, Lively and Profound., Dec. 15-June 1, Admission: 2,800 yen,
Admission: 2,800 yen
Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (open all days. closed occasionally for display renewal)(Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 closed)
Address: 493-1 Kowakudani, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: Take either Izu Hakone Bus or the Hakone Tozan Bus from Hakone Yumoto Station on Hakone Tozan Line or from JR Odawara Station and get off at Kowakien stop. Telephone: 0460-87-3931

Temporarily Closed

The Hakone Museum of Art, a sister museum of MOA Museum of Art in Atami, is the oldest and the most historic museum in Hakone. The museum displays mainly the ancient ceramic-ware of Japan dating from the Jomon period through the Edo period including a group of Six Old Kilns ceramics produced from the medieval Kamakura and Muromachi periods. The museum also has gardens with about 130 kinds of moss and 200 maple trees. It is known as a famous place for autumn maple trees with brilliant autumn colors.

Hours: 9:30-4:30 (closed Thu)
Admission: 1,600 yen
Address: 1300 Gola, Ashigara Shimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: Get on a bus from Gola Station and get off at Hakone Bijutsukan
Telephone: 0460-82-2623


POLA is a cosmetic company of Japan established in 1929. In 2002, The Pola Foundation for the Promotion of Traditional Japanese Culture and The Pola Art Foundation opened the museum according to
the corporation principle, "Pola seeks to contribute to the prosperity and advancement of society through its work in the world of health and beauty." The museum is famous for Modigliani collections.

The Secrets of Colors from Impressionism to Contemporary Art, Dec. 14-May 18

Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed occasionally for display renewal)
Admission: 1,800 yen
Address: 1285 Kozukayama, Sengokuhara, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: Get on a Kanko Shisetsu bus from Gola Station and get off at Pola Muesum
Telephone: 0460-84-2111

VENETIAN GLASS MUSEUM (Hakone Garasu-no-mori Museum)

The museum displays about 100 pieces of Venetian Glassware that enchanted the royalty of the Middle Ages. You can enjoy the eternal history of the art. The museum is located in spacious grounds and has shop and cafe as well. In the same compound is Venetian Glass Modern Museum which exhibits innovative works of modern day artists.
Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (open all days. closed occasionally for display renewal)
Admission: 1,500 yen
Address: 940-48 Sengokuhara, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: Get on a bus from Gola Station and get off at Garasunomori Museum
Telephone: 0460-86-3111


In memory of the 100 years of Saint-Exupery's birth, in 1999 the museum was opened in Japan where the author's "Little Prince" is very popular. At the exhibition hall, photographies, letters, items of his regular uses and other memorabilia are displayed reproducing the time and the atmosphere when he lived introducing his life and how his work Du Peiti Prince was written.
Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (open all days)
Admission: 1,600 yen
Address: 909 Sengokubara, Ashigarashimo-gun, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: Get on a bus from Gola Station and get off at Musee du Petit Prince de Saint-Exupery (Hoshino Ojisama Bijutsukan)
Telephone: 0460-86-3700


Rene Lalique (1860-1945) is a French artist of "Art Nouveau" and "Art Deco" era primarily known as a craftsman of the objects in glass and also as a master of j ewelry. Hakone owns the collection of more than 1,500 of Lalique pieces including 200 precious jewelry.

Lalique Museum Hakone
Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed occasionally for display renewal)
Admission: 1,500 yen
Address: 186-1 Sengokubara, Ashigarashimo-gun, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa Prefecture
Access: Get on a bus from Gola Station and get off at Larique Museum
Telephone: 0460-84-2255

(Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture)


MOA MUSEUM OF ART was opened in 1982 at Atami in celebrating the centennial of Mokichi Okada's birth (1882-1955) a Japanese religious leader. Okada founded the predecessor of this museum (Hakone Museum of Art) at Gora, Hakone when he was alive.

The museum collection is composed of about 3,500 works of art including three national treasures - Ogata Korin's Red and White Plum Blossoms, Nonomura Ninsei's Tea-leaf Jar with design of wisteria and The Calligraphy Album "Tekagami Kanboku-jo" as well as 65 important cultural prooperties.

The Best of Museum Collection 2025, Feb. 24-March 11
Hours: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (closed Thu.)'(Opening yearend and year beginning)
Admission: 1,600 yen
Address: 26-2 Momoyama-cho, Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture
Access: Get on a bus for MOA Museum from Atami Station1
Telephone: 0557-84-2511

(Chiba Prefecture)


Permanent Exhibitons: Prehistoric and Ancient Times at Gallery 1

The National Museum of Japanese History is a general museum of Japanese history that houses and displays some 200,000 artifacts of historical and cultural value that together help to tell the story of Japan's past. The Museum endeavored to produce concrete, visual exhibits that facilitate an understanding of Japanese history and culture, relying on both the numerous authentic artifacts in its collection, and precise reproductions and scale models.

This important and magnificent museum is located a little far from Tokyo. It is about one hour train trip from Ueno Station in Tokyo on Keisei Trunk Line. The museum was built in Sakura City at the time when the Narita International Airport was built in Narita which is a next city of Sakura. It was a part of the project of redevelopment of the area. Also, the government could not find a good place for the museum within Tokyo.
Address: 117 jonaimachi, Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture
Access: Keisei Sakura Station on Keisei Line/ Sakura Station JR Sobu Trunk Line
Admission: 420 yen
Time: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 27, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 043-486-0123


The museum was opened in 1990 in Sakura City, Chiba prefecture by the Kawamura family - the founder of DIC (Dainihon Ink Corporation). The number of collected artworks exceeds 1,000.

Special Exhibition/ Collection Display - Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art 1990-2025: Art, Architectures, Nature, Feb. 8-March 31

Museum Collections: Western Arts: A precious portrait by the 17th centuryMalevich, Cornell and others.
American Contemporary Arts: Louis and Stella and others.
Japanese Arts: Tohaku Hasegawa, Taikan Yokoyama, Kansetsu Hashimoto and others.
Address: 631 Sakado, Sakura, Chiba Prefecture
Accesss: Take a shuttle bus for the museum either from JR Sakura Station on Sobu Line or from Keisei Sakura Station on Keisei Line.
Time: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan .3, 2024 closed)
Admission: 900 yen (permanent exhibition)
Telephone: 050-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)


The museum is located in the central part of Sakura City which was thrived as a castle town of the feudal lord Hotta during the time of Edo period (1603-1867).

The museum mainly collects art works of those who have relations with the Sakura city and the Boso pensula of Chiba prefecture. A famous Japanese painter of Meiji Era, Chu Asai (1856-1907) was a son of a retainer of Sakura daimyo Hotta.

The museum often holds special exhibitions of modern Japanese artists contemporary to Chu Asai.

Hotsuma Katori 150 Years of His Birth Memorial Exhibition, Jan. 31-March 23
Address: 210 Shinmachi, Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture

Admission: 800 yen
Access: Keisei Sakura Station on Keisei Line
Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(closed Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024)
Telephone: 043-485-7851


This magnificent Neo-Renaissance style building which was designed by Matakichi Yabe was built in 1927 as a Chiba branch of Kawasaki Bank which was later absorbed by Mitsubishi Bank. Today, the building is used as Chiba City's Chuo-ku Office and the museum is located on the 7th floor.

Chiba Citizens Art Exhibition, Feb. 22-March 14
Address: 3-10-8 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture
Access: Chiba Station on JR Sobu Line (15 minutes walk or take a bus No. 7 and get off at Chuo Sanchome)/ Chiba Chuo Station on Keisei Line (10 minutes walk)
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 043-221-2311


The museum reopened on 24 January 2015 after two years earthquake safety constructions. The museum first opened in 1974. The Museum consists of several one-storied (partly two-storied) buildings and all galleries have wide space and exhibited arts are arranged on the flat flloor. As to the exterior of the Museum, the roofs, shaped with geometrically straight lines, are covered with natural slate, and the outer walls are decorated with special red ceramic bricks of Tokoname. The Museum, as a museum of the local community and a modern museum as well, aims at the promotion of overall artistic activities in the prefecture. The Museum's Collection are related to Chiba Prefecture and who are both from domestic and international sources focusing on modern and contemporary art.

100 Selected Works from the Museum Collection Exhibition, Jan. 28-March 30

Chiba Prefectural Museum of Art
Access: Chiba Minato Station on JR Keiyo Line
Open: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Admission: 300 yen (permanent exhibition)
Telephone: 043-242-8311

Kaii Higashiyama (1908-1999) is a celebrated Japanese landscape painter. He was born in Yokohama and entered the Japanese painting department of Tokyo Fine Arts School (Geidai). He was selected to the first German-Japanese exchange student and entered Berlin University in 1934. He exhibited "Michi" (a way) at the 6th Nitten exhibition and won eminent as a landscape artist. In 1956. "Koukon" which was the artworks he exhibited at Nitten won the 12th Japan Art Academy Award. He completed "Asaake No Shio" (the tide of dawn) as a big mural of Imperial Palace in 1968. He was given in 1969 the Order of Culture and was selected to Person of Cultural Merits. He was awarded in 1985 the Order Pour le Merite which ws the supreme order of the arts and sciences of West Germany. He died in 1999 at the age of 90.

Higashiyama Kaii spent a great part of his life of about 50 years in Ichikawa after the war until his death. The memorial hall was built by Ichikawa City in 2005.

Permanent Exhibition from March 30

Admission: 700 yen

Visitors to the Higashiyama Kaii Memorial Hall are also recommended to visit Nakayama Hokke Dera - a beautiful Nichiren Sect Grand Head Temple. It is less than 10 minutes walk.

Higashiyama Kaii Memoral Hall
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon. if Monday is a public holiday, next day will close)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Address: 1-16-2 Nakayama, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture
Access: 8 minutes by bus from Shimousa-Nakayama Station on JR Sobu Line. One minute walk from Kitakata bus stop.
Telephone: 047-333-2011

(Saitama Prefecture)


The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama was first opened on November 3, 1982, which would act as the nucleus of art in Saitama Prefecture, introducing exemplary works of art works from both Japan and abroad.

A Museum amid Greenery
While strolling among the greenery of Kita-Urawa Park, visitor will come across various sculptures.

Eyes on Mexico, Feb. 1-May 11/ MOMAS Collection, Nov. 30-March 2, Admission 200 yen

The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama
Access: Kita Urawa Station on JR Keihin Tohoku Line
Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024 closed)
Telephone: 048-824-0111


The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Omiya, Saitama Prefecture is the world's first publicly-operated "Bonsai art museum" which opened in 2010. It provides a comprehensive view of the culture of bonsai. By displaying bonsai, as well as bonsai pots, suiseki stones, pictures, and historical materials related to bonsai, the Museum aims to transmit the culture of bonsai, a traditional industry in Saitama Prefecture to the rest of the world. (from the museum pamphlet)

Museum Closed for Renovation from Nov. 5-March 20

bonsai museum omiya

Open: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (closed on Thursdays)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 4, 2024 closed)
Access: Toro Station on JR Utsunomiya Line from Ueno
Admission: 300 yen
Telephone: 048-780-2091
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(Tochigi Prefecture)


The museum was opened in 1975 by a Japanese industrialist Hideo Kurita (1912-1996) at Ashikaga in Tochigi Prefecture where he was born. This unique museum exhibits only Imari and Nabeshima wares. The museum collection of the Imari and Nabeshima wares exceeds 10,000. During the Edo period (1603-1867), it is said the export of Imari, mainly to europe, exceeded 300,000 items and fine products do not remain in today's Japan. Kurita bought back many great works from europe. The museum stands on a spacious land of 24 acres surrounded by a beautiful landscaped Japanese garden.

Imari regular exhibition
Hours: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 28, 2023-Jan. 2, 2024 closed)
Address: 1542 Komaba-cho, Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture
Access: Tomita Station on JR Ryomo Line
Telephone: 0284-91-1026

Mashiko Museum of Ceramic Art

Shugo Takauchi Exhibition/ Thematic Exhibition: Kenji Gomi, Jan. 26-April 6

Besides a permanent exhibition of the works of Shoji Hamada, Tatsuzo Shimaoka, Bernard Reach and other master potters affiliated with the town, there are also other special events are going on.
Hours: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Access: Tomita Station on JR Ryomo Line
Admission: 600 yen
Telephone: 0285-72-7555

(Ibaraki Prefecture)


Keith Haring Exhibition
, Feb. 1-April 6

The museum was opened in 1988 as a center for the people of Ibaraki to enjoy art and culture on the green bank of Lake Senba in Mito City.

Admission: 1,100 yen

The Museum of Modern Art, Ibaraki
Hours: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Mon - if Monday is a holiday on Tuesday)(Dec. 29, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Address: 666-1 Higashikubo, Senbacho, Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Access: Buses for Haraizawa or Hongo from North Exit of JR Mito Station
Telephone: 029-243-5111

Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art

The museum opened in 1978. Starting with the first acquisition, Jean-Francois Millet's "The Sower," the museum has expanded its collection to include other works by Millet, other Barbizon School artists and major European landscape artists, as well as works by distinguished modern and contemporary Japanese artists. The museum has thus come to be known as the "museum of Millet." Furthermore, thanks to many individuals' generous donations, today the museum's collection amounts to approximately 10,000 works. In 2009, Millet Wing has opened which is especially for works by Millet and Barbizon School artists. (from the museum website)

Permanent Exhibition- Millet and Other Artists from the Museum Collections

Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art
Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mon. but on Tue. in case of National Holiday on Monday)(Dec. 25, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024 closed)
Address: 1-4-27 Kugawa, Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Access: From Kofu Station, South Exit, Take a taxi or a bus at track No. 6
Admission: 510 yen (permanent collection), 1,000 yen (temporary exhibition)
Telephone: 055-228-3322, Fax: 055-228-3324
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